Ça s’emploie (s’employait) souvent chez les Belges il y a 50 ans. Merci Geraldine pour une autre leçon française. Downloads: French Days of the Week . And now:→ If you enjoyed this lesson (and/or learned something new) – why not share this lesson with a francophile friend? Montag(Monday) 2. In French, a day is un jour.It’s a masculine noun. In the video, you’ll learn how to pronounce the French days of the week, hear my explanations, and even get a quiz so that you can test your knowledge.In this written lesson, I’ll share with you some more insights, and even the meaning of the French days of the week. Don’t look at them until you’ve written down in French what you think the right answers are.). Days of the Week . In the spirit of blind Malian singers Amadou & Mariam and their 2004 hit : le dimanche à Bamako c’est le jour du mariage (=In Bamako, Sunday is a wedding day)(I love that song! Let me explain: “Le jour-même” means “on that day.” It’s not today, but it’s a reference point, in the future or in the past. i could only find the lyrics but i couldn't find the actual person singing it so the music, Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche, Cinquante-deux fois pendant toute l’année, Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, LE WEEKEND, samedi, dimanche, I remeber learning that. Ravie d’agrémenter ton petit-déjeuner avec un peu de français ! Subject . Students love it! The animated series The Flintstones premiered on TV. Why this lesson?– Knowing the days of the week is the basic of any language.– It’s easy to learn: it’s a low-hanging fruit that reaps big benefits!– With this knowledge, you can tell better stories, book an appointment, use your calendar, schedule events with friends, meetings, train tickets…, Learning goals: This is what you’ll be able to do after watching this lesson– Beginners: Use the names for the 7 days of the week in French– Intermediate: Navigate the different times of the day, from morning to night.– Advanced: Build sentences with “relative” days, such as yesterday and tomorrow. Great for display and a variety of teaching activities! – For all levels: Enjoy the French songs, each having to do with the days of the week! Comments. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Get your answers by asking now. Le lendemain means “the day after,” and la veille means “the day before.” They’re like the equivalent of “tomorrow” and “yesterday,” but relatively to a fixed day other than today. Let’s have a quiz about the days of the week in French! ), Hidden Meaning of the French days of the week. I talked to him last Tuesday. This clip is from the series Virtually There: France. C’est pour ça qu’on dit “bonne journée”. The same goes for the names of months. Using the definite article le (the) + a day of the week indicates every + day of the week. It starts with le matin (=the morning). Then it’s time for le week-end (=…you can guess what that means! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The “easy” version:Avant-hier ← Hier ← Aujourd’hui → Demain → Après-demain. On peut dire un bon après-midi ou une bonne après-midi (=a good afternoon, masculine or feminine), c’est comme on veut ! we listened to it french and i want to know where i can listen to it. The days of the week are all 7 days from Monday to Sunday. The day then turns to le soir (= the evening), and la nuit (=the night, nighttime). Bon soirée à toi! Click here to get started. This lesson will teach you how to say the days of the week in French (Les Jours de la Semaine). Can you post a link to a song that means something to you? And you will find it easy to remember their gender because they are all masculine. → Click here to learn more about “Les Vacances d’été” (summer holidays) in a fully French lesson! You don’t understand when it took place exactly. dimanche (Sunday). merci beaucoup. À bientôt. A collection of vocabulary labels, on French flags, showing the days of the week. Bonjour Sarah. samedi (Saturday). In 1972, the massively popular French singer Claude François released his hit Le lundi au soleil (=”A Monday in the Sun”), a song to complain about having to work on a sunny Monday. Super mignon ! Play. Also, in France, the week starts Monday. Bonus: The “hard” version:L’avant-veille ← La veille ← Le jour-même → Le lendemain → Le surlendemain. Get my 10-day “Everyday French Crash Course” and discover more spoken French for free. ; But weekdays are only the 5 days from Monday to Friday. Je suis débutant. As we’ve seen, sept jours (=seven days) make une semaine (=a week). Je préfère regarder ma leçon de la semaine le mardi, juste après avoir ouvert mon courriel. Louis, Josée and Lexie. Tu m’as appelé, la semaine dernière ? To begin, here are the seven days of the week in German, linked to an audio of their pronunciations. The interactive, educational application Chansons traditionnelles gives children aged 2 to 6 the chance to discover traditional French songs. These colourful cards are perfect for practicing the days of the week first thing in the morning. Later, at the train station, you want to buy a ticket. Nov 1, 2013 - Content filed under the Spelling – Days of the Week category. Ca peut se dire mais ça ne s’emploie pas souvent dans le langage courant. For example:Je t’appelle dans la journée = I’ll call you during the day (at some point today)Je t’appelle dans deux jours = I’ll call you in two days. “Jour” est masculin, et “Journée” est féminin. Looking for this Japanese instrumental song. Learn 5 Easy French Expressions (lesson in French), Understanding Spoken French (Even When It’s Fast). They’ll get married next year. I only remember the music video.? Merci! Mittwoch(Wednesday) 4. Can COVID-19 exposure apps slow the spread of the virus? French days of the week song? French Days Of The Week/Months Of The Year 18 Questions | By Gw1973 | Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 | Total Attempts: 3129 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions 11 questions 12 questions 13 questions 14 questions 15 questions 16 questions 17 questions 18 questions Still have questions? Merci Géraldine! L’avant-veille (=the day before “la veille”) and le surlendemain (=the day after “le lendemain”) also exist, but they’re used far less. Your kids will have fun discovering music with Louis, Josée and Lexie! Je regarde vos leçons le mardi soir. Maintenant je ne peux pas utiliser les accents – je ne sais pas pourquoi. Click here to learn more about “Les Vacances d’été” (summer holidays) in a fully French lesson! ; And the weekend is Saturday and Sunday. The days of the week in French and useful expressions of time A short guide to the expressing days of the week in French and other common expressions related to them. If any of these situations sound even somewhat familiar, don’t worry! Bonne journée. Je préfère regarder ma leçon de la semaine le mardi, pendant que je prends mon petit déjeuner. Bonjour Ann. The pronunciations indicated are an appproximation of the French pronunciation for learners or travellers who do not master French … Let’s have lunch together next week.Elle était là l’an dernier ? Je n’ai pas un temps plus préférée pour regarder les leçons. Let's begin with the days of the week, les jours de la semaine. Most annoying Christmas song(s) of all time? Most of them are similar to English, and the rest aren't too hard to memorize. In the beautiful song Samedi soir sur la Terre, French singer/songwriter Francis Cabrel describes a typical scene of a “Saturday night on Earth” (boy meets girl). Yes, please send me Géraldine's FREE 10-day crash course, weekly lessons and occasional special offers, Click here to learn more about Le 1er Mai en France, le dimanche à Bamako c’est le jour du mariage. Did you call me last week?Allez, on déjeune ensemble la semaine prochaine. Your name . Samstag(Saturday) 7. In French, a day is un jour. It was set in the stone age and it detailed the lives of the Flintstone and Rubble families. It’s closed. The login page will open in a new tab. French Days of the week on a train and carriages .Ideal for laminating so children can sort them out in the right order .A game for small groups or carpet time,to use while singing a days of the week song,etc . Youths have less risk, but deaths rise fast near colleges, From franchise QB to NFL's top trade storyline. J’aime regarder les leçons de Comme Une Française au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit. Days of the week Les jours de la semaine. All days of the week in French end in "-di" with the exception of Sunday. Je vois Michel mardi prochain. A week in France starts with le lundi (=Monday). Mois, j’aime regarder les le`cons pendant l’apr`es-midi. Once you can use these well, you can add avant-hier (= before yesterday, “the day before yesterday”), and après-demain (=after tomorrow, “the day after tomorrow”). My French teacher used to sing the days of the week to us to the tune of “Frère Jacques.” 20 years later, it still … A French friend shares an anecdote with you. Fiona B, Bonjour Géraldine merci pour votre leçon il est très utile. The 10 biggest busts in odd NCAA football season, HGTV Christmas special angers Trump supporters. French people can also used the adjectives dernier (=last) or prochain (=next) to describe days, weeks, months or even years! Mon moment préféré pour regarder les leçons de Comme une Française est le matin, quand je suis à la maison. Je suis démodé! What artists or groups do you recommend for a girl who has these characteristics? Advanced : Si tu es à Paris la semaine prochaine, on pourrait déjeuner ensemble. Bonjour Jocelyn, Learn the seven days of the week in French with this free French lesson! Le jeudi (= Thursday) is the last day before vendredi (=Friday). A week is une semaine. A French day is divided into several periods. 4 days ago. Download. lundi. Pamela Haskel. So, we say le lundi (=Monday), un mardi (a Tuesday). http://apple.co/2nW5hPd Learn the days of the week! StudyStack Days of the week - anagrams Days of the week - multiple choice Days of the week - crossword Speedword Type the days quickly! Freitag(Friday) 6. Was she there last year?Ils se marient l’an prochain. FREE (1) shoppe 4-Quadrants Coordinates Mnemonic. Je préfère regarder le leçon français “Comme une française” le mardi après-midi en buvant une tasse de thé. Later still, you try to visit the Louvre Museum. Merci pour toutes tes leçons bien préparées et faciles à suivre malgré le niveau. You must have made a mistake reading the timetables! If you don’t like these songs, or if you want something a bit different, you could always make up your own song, setting the French days of the week to music. The names of the days of the week in many languages are derived from the names of the classical planets in Hellenistic astrology, which were in turn named after contemporary deities, a system introduced by the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity.In some other languages, the days are named after corresponding deities of the regional culture, either beginning with Sunday or with Monday. The days of the week in French themselves are masculine. but here are the lyrics: Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche. There are English translations of all the words, plus sound, which has been professionally recorded by native speakers. Je prėfere regarded Comme Une Françsise le soir aprés travail. Yes, please send me Géraldine's FREE weekly video lessons and occasional special offers from Comme une Française! You can test your knowledge about the French days of the week and when you should use them. ha. Quatre saisons (= four seasons) make une année (=a year.). You smile, but you’re lost.2. Il y a tout ce que vous voulez apprendre au français. / Flintstones, meet the Flintstones / They're the modern Stone Age Family / From the town of Bedrock / They're a page right out of history / Let's ride with the Young learners will like the bold lettering and simple design. There are trois mois (=three months) in une saison (= a season).There are four season, such as l’été (= summer). we listened to it french and i want to know where i can listen to it. Theme Song Lyrics: Yabba-dabba-doo! Intermediate : Je ne suis disponible qu’après 14h, donc on peut se voir l’après-midi ou le soir. One of the best ways to learn French is to do with with songs. Donnerstag(Thursday) 5. Finally, on le dimanche (=Sunday), French people can slowly wake up from their Saturday hangover, spend time with their family with a traditional French meal, or quite simply do nothing at all. Merci pour tes leçons de français qui sont sympa! Please log in again. It’s a masculine noun. In a popular 2015 documentary called “Demain”, French actress Mélanie Laurent and director Cyril Dion try to find alternate, “green” ways to live. Est-ce que ça ce dit en France, « jeudi en huit » ou « en quinze »? The person at the ticket desk doesn’t understand when you want to take your trip. FREE (0) shoppe Bingo 1 to 6 to colour for foreign language learning. Dienstag(Tuesday) 3. Below, I'll tell you everything you need to know about the days of the week in German. Sorry i dont have much for ya. un lecon magnifique Geraldine…comme d`habitude !! Bonjour Géraldine! Days of the week - Hangman Days of the week - noughts and crosses Days of the week - match up Days of the week - memory game Jigword Matching game Matchword Find the pairs Days Quizlet Days. “L’après-midi” est un nom à la fois masculin et féminin. J’attends chaque semaine avec impatience une autre leçon – merci Gerladine d’avoir rendu les leçons amusantes et faciles. yeha i dont think you'll find someone singing it but if you just look up the flinstons song and put the words in yourself it might help. Bravo Brian ! S’il vous plaît dites moi où je peux trouver les liens pour les chansons dont vous avez parlé dans cette leçon qui s’agit des jours de la semaine? Aussi. You’ll learn much more if you have social support from your friends , → Double your Frenchness! i could only find the lyrics but i couldn't find the actual person singing it so the music. It was the kind of spectacle that only Hollywood could produce. J’écoute la leçon peut-être deux fois en mangeant du pain grillé et bois du thé. A popular French expression is “C’est pas demain la veille !” (= “Tomorrow is not the day before it happens!”) It means “It’s not going to happen soon.”. This song is available on Anglais-French, Volume 2 . Notice that days of the week and weekdays and are NOT the same:. You can get a better breakdown of the French year in a previous lesson. At that point, French people would say “deux jours avant” (=two days before), or “deux jours après” (=two days later.). Ones you should know will find it easy to learn too a lowercase letter, rather being... Take their name from the series Virtually there: France, Josée and Lexie buvant café! I thought you guys did n't do that mais ça ne s ’ employait ) chez. → Double your Frenchness rest are n't too hard to memorize what with. To take your trip autre leçon – merci Gerladine d ’ été (... Le matin vers dix heures, quand je suis à la maison d ’ agrémenter ton avec... Helped thousands like you 2x their Everyday French in the morning peut-être deux fois en mangeant du pain et... Then l ’ apr ` es-midi speaking French children the Super Simple App for iOS =the )... 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