This can not be stated any more clearly that, “without Him nothing was made that has been made.” That sums up all matter in the universe. The last days began with the arrival of Jesus Christ. God gives us very clear guidance in His Word on how we can best experience the gift of intimacy and love that He gave to us through sex. (At BEL we don't use "heresy" flippantly.) I struggle with that but then if we could figure God out, He would not be God.” You can’t say it better than that!! Misconception 1: Time travel is theoretically possible. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. So Craig's Islamic theologians and countless Christian theologians (including Augustine, even though he was right to apply the concept of infinity to God), could hardly have comprehended the concept that God could have existed for an infinite time and that daily He also could add more time to that same infinity. See 2012, Physics Essays 2012, and ResearchGate 2015. We not only know that our sovereign God has already planned the way that is best for us, but we have infallible information about his priorities that will help us follow his plan. You may use this article in a newsletter that is printed or a PDF file that is emailed but you must give the author’s name and even if its an Internet newsletter, we ask that you put a link to the article which is from this site, like the link The author is Jack Wellman (me) and the website link is above. Some atheists, agnostics, and evolutionists believe that life on earth was brought to the planet by some alien force or object. 2. And as Jesus concluded for the Sadducees, we can conclude for classical theologians. 2, simply to emphasize the lengthy duration of the current situation. These descendants thus had no ability to avoid eternal separation from God unless the Lord was willing to sacrifice His life to pay for our sin. Hence God is eternal, having never been created. Everything known in the physical universe has a beginning and so everything known in the universe will have an end. Or, every physical particle and spiritual entity would have to possess whatever features were necessary to hold onto time as it carried them. Isaiah 41:10 is so rich with the promises of God that it warrants some special attention from us. 19:4; Mark 13:19; Heb. A cause greater than itself had to exist prior to the universe’s existence and seeing the enormous size of the universe, the titanic amounts of energy being used and that is available and the perfect order of the universe, there must be intelligence behind the cause. JW: No. This would be much like dissipating light into the dark recesses of the universe from our sun. Thank you Jenny. The misconception lies with the view of time. The absurdity though of atemporality is demonstrated in that such trivial information is unattainable for an unchanging omniscience. What century it is. I got the opportunity once to discuss the precedence set by science of God’s omnipresence by studying Quarks and how they can be in more than one place at a time. Let the rest to God for “no one seeks after God” really. He "loved [the Son] before the foundation of the world." Yes, of course He can. Of course, on its face, Russell has done neither because his application falsifies only the pagan cosmogonies that originate their gods, but he leaves untouched the eternal God of Scripture. 10:12-13). Wow! Thank you for this education on these subjects. The first words of the Bible indicate that, according to the Bible, God was not outside of Time and Space. And though Mullins, the philospher, disagrees, the doctrine of timelessness entered Christianity through a widespread commitment to Greek philosophy. Thankyou. Most Christian theologians join countless philosophers of the last 2,500 years in saying that God is outside of time. Christian philosopher Ryan Mullins in his fascinating book, The End of the Timeless God, published in 2016 by Oxford University Press, describes the "A-Theory" writing that time "is constantly moving forward." "You are therefore greatly mistaken" (Mark 12:24-27). See this more fully exegeted at But He is truth, and His arguments are valid and true, as this one could be only if God exists in time, as He does. Thus the last day written in that book is not the day of one's death, but the day of one's birth. This is another example of an antinomy - two truths that seemingly conflict. 15:13). Yet we lack the divine intestinal fortitude, so to speak, that we would need in order to relate to His beginningless past. A God that we can know completely would cease to be God and God can not be put into a box. God judges those outside. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Isaiah 64:8). The differences do not include anything like an abandonment of His fundamental attributes (which are that He is Living, Personal, Relational, Good, and Loving), but rather, they are divine expressions of these attributes. And "this MAN, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God." Does God Ever Show His Power By Intervening? What Does The Bible Say About Sex Outside Of The Marriage? Nothing can not produce something. Time wrestling the enemy. If you enjoyed this article on who created God, then here is another article that might interest you: Does Faith In God and Science Conflict With Each Other,, See See more at and you can view the entire debate right here: To defend Platonic utter immutability those who hold the Settled View will deny that God has the freedom even to think new thoughts. Then if such a creature created God, then that creature must have also been created. In terms of time, verse 18 is even more incredible because John says that by biblical reckoning it was already the last hour (Romans 13:11-12; I Peter 4:7)! Here is a fact we need to pay close attention to. This would demonstrate that atemporality, that is, timelessness, is not a necessary attribute of deity. God is God because we can not get our minds around Him and figure Him out. It is a book about God and his relationship with man. If God existed outside of time the angels before His throne ("who do not rest… saying, 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come'") and the men ministering to Him forever would also have to be timeless, which would mean that they were divine also. The absolute divine timelessness (atemporality; non-sequence; no past; etc.) - KGOV's stunning broadcast event with Richard Holland, ass't professor at Liberty University on his groundbreaking book, God, Time, and the Incarnation We may never know why certian things happen during our lives on earth, but we can trust that God's plan is for our good and that He goes before us. - has no future. The “He” is Jesus Christ and so the Trinity existed before earth did…before matter did and before mankind did. Bible verses related to Race Mixing from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order Deuteronomy 23:2 - A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. May God richly bless you and I thank you. So they flow perfectly with the current of time. God exists in time. God has allotted twenty-four hours to each one of us. Scripture reveals that God lives outside the bounds of time as we know it (Isaiah 57:15 Isaiah 57:15 For thus said the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. He is supposed to be the almighty so why not just skip to end? ... Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, ... Bible Verses About God's Love for Us. 89:36) enjoying God eternally through an "everlasting covenant" (Gen. 17:7), "established forever." Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘He has no hands‘?” Further, Romans 9:20 says, “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? The first man was of the earth… the second Man is the Lord from heaven." A painting demands a painter just as a creation demands a Creator. As the Bible says, “Out of the mouth of babes thou has perfected thy praise.”. The Son of Man: As men, we probably would never pick the same title for Jesus as is His favorite title for Himself, "the Son of Man." Defenseless to the flow of time, as so much sediment suspended in a current, events are whisked into the past. Isaiah reiterates again, “But now, this is what the LORD says–he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1). You can not have time without also having matter, for there is nothing with which we can measure it with. Thus, if there were any possible way to answer the Son's prayer by undoing the commitment that God had brought upon Himself, He would have done so. And even the secular BBC begins their Before the Big Bang program acknowledging that the notion of time coming into existence, "may be a logical contradiction." Which brings us to the best definition: Time is the beginningless, endless, present, continuous, invariable, irreversible future to past dimension of change. Yet this is all gibberish. May God bless you there and please come back soon. Thank you Kayla. This is because we live in a world of tweets and quick soundbites where people rarely have enough time for context. Not only do they imagine exhausted divine freedom (if indeed they've ever acknowledged any true divine freedom, even in creation), but exhaustive foreknowledge also unintentionally requires exhausted creativity. Dates, for example, ride the current of time keeping pace perfectly with its flow. Everything would be ever-present in one timeless moment. What one thing in the universe did not have a cause? Jesus’ opposers accused him of making himself equal to God. Time wondering why God called me. Nothing that "has a beginning" can cross an infinity. In human life, there is a start, middle & end. Buy God Is Good All The Time - Bible Verse Christian Gift Zip Hoodie: Shop top fashion brands Hoodies at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases A number of years ago I saw a cartoon in the newspaper which applies to our study. I too struggle with the fact that God is the uncaused cause of all there is…but that may be the point. Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. To say God is infinite is to note God's knowledge, power, presence, and transcendence above and beyond all human limitations. Even if such a deity knew Earth's entire history moment by moment, He would have no way of knowing what time it is right now to us creatures, including what day it is, the month and year. Assuming the Conclusion: Using a typically unstated assumption, an argument against God's "beginningless past" insists that He could not have crossed an infinite past because regardless of how much time has actually passed, "infinity" would require passage of even more time to arrive at any given moment. Please consider though that time cannot be created. I would rather die believing in God than to live thinking He doesn’t exist and find out that He existed at all. Does the Bible teach that sex before marriage is a sin? 1:10; 2 Pet. :), Liberty University's Richard Holland's God, Time, and the Incarnation: Dr. Holland, assistant professor of theology at Liberty University, wrote one of the two definitive works on the intersection, or lack thereof, in the church's teaching on atemporality and the Incarnation. God thunders out His answer about Himself being the Creator and being called into question by mankind in Isaiah 45:9, “Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. (Although in a brief moment we can gain eternal life, by trusting in Jesus Christ.) NOT ONE MEANS TIMELESSNESS. the … God bless you sir! - Etc. However, the premise is false. If atemporal, He could not have expectation or hope, but He does have expectations (e.g., Isa. When we do those things, we are doing good works—sacrificing our time and energy for the well-being and benefit of others. Can the clay vessel question the potter? With the A theory, many worry that God is 'bound' by time, as if that's a limitation. They turn it into a figure of speech meaning the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the passage naturally states. Jack: It is much easier to come to terms with “forever”, than its inverse.Consider a grandfather clock (with its pendulum) as analogous to the clay vessel; obviously the vessel does not create the creator, but in terms of the clock (read:cosmos) what transpired before the pendulum was set in motion? Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. So to use our analogy again, in reverse, you are like a "ray" that begins at a point (of conception) and then proceeds forever (Eccl. And again, in agreement with the above, Cullman concluded that the New Testament vocabulary does not support the philosophical claim that God exists outside of time. J. J. Smith's Duration as Applied to God) neither does the ability or lack thereof to measure something equate to the thing itself. The beginning as far as humans are concerned is not Genesis chapter one but John chapter one. Since Adam and Eve, believing in the existence of the true God and His Word has been the principal challenge affecting the quality of life mankind thinks it must have for happiness and prosperity. So here is an example of a biblical proof demonstrating that God has a "past" and therefore falsifying the claim that God is outside of time: Before the foundation of the world (as the Bible puts it), God the Son was not also the Son of Man; but then He "became" flesh (John 1:14) as "the Son of Man" (Mat. And praise God for that! So the terminal point on that divine ray has moved, for example, more than two thousand years since the moment of the Incarnation, something that few could have conceived of throughout much of human history. (This is not surprising seeing, for example, that in Plato's Republic he says the state should decide when a woman can have a baby; that at birth the state should permanently take away babies from their parents; and that a baby born without the state's consent should be killed. No carrying or latching required, time simply flows backward, bypassing all. Therefore, our eternal soul provides for us a context in which we can develop a gut feel for what it means to live forever (throughout eternity future). He could have demonstrated His omnipotence after the first Passover by telling the Egyptians that He was going to supernaturally change the past, enabling Pharaoh and all of Egypt to remember the horror of the ten plagues while backing up history to when Moses poured Nile water out onto the ground, giving the nation another chance. Hovind pointed out that the Bible began with “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” which means time, space (heaven) and matter (earth) were created together, and the God of the Bible exists outside all the three. Dagmar, thank you so much for visiting us and for your comment. Either way, that's quite an onus to put on something as ethereal as time. Considering everything that exists, both physical and spiritual, the incorrect view of time flowing forward suggests an absurdity. But the prepositional phrase "in the beginning" gets its meaning from the context as the Bible addresses "in the beginning" of the harvest, the reign, the gospel. So before the universe or earth existed – and before humans existed – God was. Did someone or something put it in motion? As at Metaphysics, "there is genuine flow of time as past events recede further and further into the past and future events move closer and closer to the present." Indications though are that most of those translators themselves have been convinced that God is outside of time. For if timelessness were correct, then Abraham would be alive to God eternally even if there were no life after death. Christians find themselves battling the same absurdities as time-traveling science fiction characters. Astrophysicists, astronomers, and physicists theorize that the universe had a beginning at a single, finite point in time and space. Before time, space and matter existed, God existed. Another of the innumerable possible examples of intervening by changing the past is that God could have enabled King David to remember the decades of devastating consequences when his family and even his nation were torn apart, and then back up history to before he looked upon Uriah's nakedness, giving him another chance. cross infinity, then He could not have existed for eternity. i must say, after reading your article, i am still struggling with that! Thank you Dee so much. Since humans are composed of matter, then we are part of that which “has been made.”. Time completely outside my comfort zone. Bacteria is life and it may well be elsewhere in the universe but this doesn’t mean that it is created in the image of God, male and female (humans) to glorify God. He appoints all things. Is God uncaused? Our minds simply cannot conceive something that has no beginning. Whether God created life elsewhere, we don’t know. No. This article is great!! T his question would have seemed very odd if it had been asked of a minister of about a hundred years ago. The Gospel of John reads “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (v.1). - Call 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278) and talk to us about which of our DVDs, books, or audio teachings may interest you! BUT, regressing towards the inverse of infinity always seems to DEMAND a “1st born”, so-to-speak.Consider the parable of a gun type nuclear device such as “llittle boy”, the projectile is accelerated toward the mass of U235 creating the explosion; but where did the material to make the projectile come from, IF THE PROJECTILE ITSELF WAS A RESULT OF A PREVIOUS EXPLOSION?! For the present is where God lives, in the fullness of time so to speak, with God's past illustrated by that ray. If they were correct in this, then of course Christians could safely ignore the evident teaching of this and many other such passages. Ultimately, it is not our responsibility to have them believe in God. God is omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful, almighty), and omnipresent (all-pervading). Least 1885 by the Rev persisting through it would that mean about God helping us Bible... Is always lesser than that which “ has been made ” ( Isaiah 9:7 ) `` has a,... 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