A falconer relies on their bird to deal most of the damage, so you have less DEX then other builds. One Map South of Louyang(lou_fild01): Mantis, Mi Gao, Caramel, Bigfoot, Anacondaq. You must learn to move traps in bio3 with arrow shower, and quickly trap up a corridor for WoE. The exit is located in the north. When you are MS’d, always aim for targets with low HP mod, like High Wizards, Snipers, High Priests. Note: If you don't have the Nicklace of Wisdom with you for any reason, you will have to start the quest all over again. Arrow Quivers have to be made manually, but you can make them in bulk. It is one of the most popular and most played classes in game currently. Anyway, this is the best Sniper guide I found in RMS. They also have many traps that deal decent amounts of damage. – trickster, for help with a bunch of random things. You could use Stun or Sleep arrows too. Shockwave is a fun trap, but not so useful, since people can always use pots to get their SP again. In-game, the Hunter is equipped with the Sniper Rifle. Kami juga punya banyak game lain yang mirip Sniper Hunter! That said, pure ADLs only use Fatal arrow to further boost their damage, not as a damage source itself. Agi and Luk aren’t needed at all in this build. There is no better way to describe the Sniper. Also, it “explodes” in a 9×9 area, meaning more than one player can be affected(It’s really fun when 3~4 people fall asleep ;D). High FA damage, which can be deadly with Magic Strings against a few weaklings in WoE/PvP. Just be patient. Since it’s not always optimal to have to carry thousands of arrows around everywhere, Gravity made this wonderful item called an arrow quiver. Go to the Hunter Guild in Hugel.Talk with the Hunter Guildsman, Sherin hu_in01 386 373 and apply to become a hunter.. Sherin tells you that candidates are required to pass three tests before they can become a hunter. Also you must reach at least Job Level 40 as a Transcendent 1st class character. Once you talk to Hunter Sherin, the first test of the Hunter Job Change Quest will begin. They are also able to lay mines and traps on the ground to hinder or catch mobs. Hi, my name's General Frost and this is my first attempt at writing a guide on TalonRO. You can also put it next to Emp Breakers while they are hitting your emp, and explode it by yourself, walking on the traps tile; the Emp Breaker will most likely be put asleep. Most of the skills of the Hunter Job class are centered on the deployment of traps, giving the Hunter an edge in versatility as it is able to adapt to a number of situations. If the Sting gets too close and hits you, you will most likely be killed. The dex is mainly for enabling fast reaction and movement. The Sniper is the master of the Bow and in a Sniper’s hands, the bow is a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage and carnage. Divertiti con i migliori giochi relativi a Sniper Hunter 2. 7. Status Arrow Shower - The main status you should be dealing to people is Curse, so Quad Magnolia Composite Bow is the best. Strategy: At first avoid the Zombies as they will kill you very quickly and you won’t have very much range. ONE SHOOT ONE KILL ~ Sniper Guide by vidzkun__ INTRODUTION Sniper, wow, a devastating job that will satisfy you to kill every monster and classes you meet in fields (if it is PK server, you could attack players also. Four of the six months have been dedicated to playing the Sniper class exclusively. Get a few Awake Potions and some fly wings and Fire Arrows and head back to Geographers. The Critter is pretty self-explanatory. Repeat the leveling process and you should level pretty efficiently. Stick to killing Familiars and Skeletons. Ice Dungeon Warp(ra_fild01): Drosera, Geographer, Muscipular, Gryphon, Galion. – Kink, for help with the WoE & PvP section. nowaday, i found that most popular build for sniper leveling is use three slotted headgear with 3 vanberk card !!! The Falcon Assaulter is a pretty versatile build. Aside from the basic potions sold in every tool dealer, there’s some custom items added in to help speed things up a bit. Ragnarok Ranger Job Change Quest 1. Weapon: Use any bow your have right now. One Map North of Lighthalzen(lhz_fild01): Caramel, Metaling, Holden. Sniper adalah job lanjutan dari Hunter. In WoE SE you can trap the whole map with it; it will surely slow down enemies a lot. Weapon: 3x Kaho Crossbow(Mi Gao, Mantis) Thank you for sharing such info…. The War of Emperium is a big part of Ragnarok. One Map North of Einbroch(ein_fild04): Geographer, Gierth, Metaling, Holden, Mineral. Next comes Str(Weight for pots) and Dex (Reasonable cast). It’s also good for higher defense monsters, since crits by-pass defense. You are required to complete three objectives in order and within 3 minutes to pass the test: 6. Note: The suggested bow is not what you MUST have to level in the spot, it is just a more custom bow, that will put out more damage. (T_T), .. where can i find all the creator of the wings…. WebGL 77% 3,853,516 plays Silent Night. All job quests can be found here. Once you are a few levels higher try taking on the Geographers, if it is too hard then stick to Muscipulars until you can take them. What is the build and equipments for the bosnia type sniper? Once you get to 99/50, just go rebirth. They specialize in precise and powerful ranged attacks. They take advantage of the power of the stars so they never lose sight even in the darkest nights. If you didn’t know, auto-Blitz Beat divides the damage between the monsters, so if you’re attacking one monster and there’s one more stacked on it, you’ll do half the damage you normally would with your falcon, but you’ll be hitting both of the monsters. Strategy: Focus on the Mi Gaos, if a Mantis comes along either kill it or Flywing away. And it’s amazingly fun! He’s located inside the building to the left of the refiner, repairman, phracon seller and slotter NPC. You can stay at them until they start getting slow, around level 70. I think that the best build to be used on WoE is a Focused Arrow Strike build. Hit the monster until it gets close to you and then run away and start shooting again. Just like its previous class, this character focuses in traps as well, but with more devastating power. You can tank up to 3 EDP SBs/ADs or even some Asuras if you are well geared. Talk with the Hunter Guildsman, Sherin hu_in01386373 and apply to become a hunter. Only a detail. A Sleeping character will stay there for a long time, since the sleeping status is a bit hard to detect (It’s just a small “zZz”, almost unnoticeable), plus the player won’t be able to use pots or skills. I am from Germany and learning to write in English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “He used that the scattering of magma could be applied to same examples.”, ur guide is really fantastic.. but can you also tell me how to counter attack the asura strike or the champion build…, Why the hell you use Arrow Repel if Kasas are mini-bosses…. Be careful around Droseras, they have a very long range. Di Ragnarok M Eternal Love, Sniper merupakan job lanjutan (advance job) dari job Hunter.Jadi setelah kalian menjadi Hunter, kalian bisa melanjutkan ke job Sniper.Untuk berubah ke job Sniper, job level Hunter kalian harus mencapai level 40 terlebih dahulu. Tell the person about a good place to hunt. I think that it’s very complete. what is the best item of critical type hunter/sniper/ranger ^^, pure luck just get somethinghtath is for luck. Don’t worry about any of the other monsters. Most of them are never used, but some are very useful; it depends on what you plan to do with your sniper. Snipers have various builds that accomplish many different tasks. Hunters are skillful at indirect combat. VIT is only if you’re fighting another long range like a mage or another archer, so you don’t need so much vit. Excellent Screenshots and Awesome explaination! Very dependent on Scholar or SP regaining items if using a lot of skills at once. Reaching Job Level 50 first is strongly recommended, as the player will never be able to recover the extra job levels / skill points after the job change. Gioca a Sniper Hunter, il gioco online gratuito su Y8.com! Talk with Sherin again, who instructs you to meet another guild member in Payon to take the final test. Arrow: Crystal If you are a hunter, he will ask you if you really want to be a Ranger. Equipment plays an important role in any character, so I’ve also put some samples. I give 5 for this as auth clearly know about sniper stuff =), i gave 5 because this guide is quite well made and detailed. Payon Cave First Floor(pay_dun00): Familiar, Zombie, Poporing, Skeleton. Go buy(or get) 1k Fire Arrows and head to Payon Caves. Falconers depend on LUK, AGI, and INT for maximum falcon damage. Agi/Int/Dex. Like, in the Prontera Tool Dealer(Located, from the middle of Prontera, go up and to the left; into the building there), there’s some customs like: But don’t worry, all you really need to worry about are Awakening Potions, Fly Wings, Butterfly Wings and maybe Coca Colas(but there are better alternates, not available from NPCs). - Juno & Pints, for help with the images. Utilizing Sniper’s fast attack speed, the Critter is able to do much more damage then the AGI/DEX build in single, normal attacks. Weapon: 2x Kaho Gakkung/Arbalest or 2x Peco Peco Egg Gakkung/Arbalest or a Burning Bow with either of the two cards in it. You do not have to do the job quest again, the NPC will change since you are a high novice. They gained a new skill called Falcon Assault with the help of his lifelong friend, the falcon. Very frequently critical !!! Cannot use shields when using bows, giving you less resistance/defense then most other classes. This is more of an agressive DS build, you can efficently DS people with a decent ASPD and use your Int to Falcon Assault with decent damage or keep your SP up. Ability to snipe enemies from afar, thus not taking much damage versus having to be right up against the monster to kill it. I am lvl 84 with job lvl 50. Capable of using your Falcon to higher extents, via Falcon specific builds. Weapon: 3x Goblin Crossbow(Pest, Permeter, Spring Rabbit) and 3x Mandragora Crossbow(Dragon Tail) I’m not sure if you need AGI, but since you’re going to be mobbing with this build, I swapped it out with VIT. It’s better than Ankle Snare in some situations, because it doesn’t only stop the player’s movement, but disables them completely. but this gave me alot more insight ! AS Sniper. One of the major drawbacks to a Falcon Assaulter build is that the damage can be reduced greatly via Raydric Card, Noxious Card, Thara Frog Card, Beret, Feather Beret, etc. 2. You can either make them one at a time, or you have the option “Store as many arrows in quivers as possible” to make as many as you can in one shot. Please not that this is still a work in progress, and I will be adding more places and fixing any errors ASAP. High int supported by decent vit and dex. Also, Sonic Blow is a 2nd job skill, DS is a first job skill. Just like with the Tool Dealer, there’s a custom NPC that makes getting some commonly used arrows easily obtainable. They can also use a shield, unlike the other builds that rely on hitting with bows, giving them even more resistance and defense. All you really need skill-wise are Double Strafe, Ankle Snare, Improve Concentration, Vulture’s Eye, Owl’s Eye, and Arrow Repel for this build to work nicely. If you don’t have enough ASPD stay away from Elders, they cast magic somewhat fast. Return to the Hunter Guild. Mi Gaos are slow so you can most likely just shoot it from far away and kill it before it comes close to you. Many traps include status effects like Freeze, Blind, and Sleep. 1. VIT isn’t for people with high flee, AND long range. And for your last blurb about Kasas, you can’t Arrow Repel boss type creatures… They’ll take damage for sure, but they won’t be pushed back (‘.’ ) You may need to lay more then one trap. You’ll end up not dealing enough damage or not dealing it fast enough, and the only way to compensate would be through God items or MvP Cards, but since not everyone has them then like yea… Look at the Condensed Leveling for other suggestions on where to level to past level 70. Here’s some tips on the NPC’s in the training grounds…. Can take good damage, can use Status Bow or PVP Composite Bow, use traps and, if there’s SP items or a Professor/Alchemist with you, can spam FA because of the reductions, the difference between a FA and a FAS Sniper is like… 600 damage for FA? Flash 83% 5,475,829 plays The Saboteur. If you are looking to the Ragnarok Transcendence Hunter Job Change, the quest follows the Classic RO Job Change Quest. To begin, simply talk to Hunter Sherin who’s inside a house in Hugel (coordinates: hu_in01 386,374). This one is based more for WoE or Bio 3 leveling(since they are kind of similar, in a way). Find Free Themes and plugins. I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours. The six target monsters are comprised of: The switch is located at the center of the maze, and can be activated by clicking it. Strategy: Bring lots of fly wings. Gather the items he requests, then talk with him again. A sample build would be(Totals, with gears and buffs): I’m no expert on Falconers, so you’ll want to tinker around with it some to get it to your personal liking. When you run out of sp just go to town, use the healer, and warp right back. Want create site? I.E. Supplies play an important role in everything you do. Weapon: Use any bow you have right now. though i don’t expect lv30 archers to have three kaho cards o.o, hmmm, you speak just in general with most builds, except from FA >_>. Klik untuk main game Sniper Hunter gratis! It was present during game's launch. Beautiful Guide.. There is no better way to describe the Sniper. I’m going to translate all the skills one by one. they use like 30-40 base luk, and 80-90 base dex, and tons of agi. AS Ranger. They don’t level as fast as an AGI/DEX variant, but they’re a lot more fun to play because your falcon is like a machine gun. Falcon Assault will compliment this build since you have high INT anyways. Sherin tells you that candidates are required to pass three tests before they can become a hunter. Another map you can go to is the map north of Einbroch, that has a lot more Geographers. Once you get enough job levels so that you have some range start killing the Zombies and Poporings. Do not go to WoE in an AGI/DEX(DS) build. They specialize in precise and powerful ranged attacks. They’re really hard to get decent information on because they’re a dying breed or something, and I’ve never really used one before, so bare with me. Strategy: Make use of your range, attack the metalings from afar and they should be dead before they get to you, if not use the hit and run strategy. Slow cast (Even though the only skills that depends on your cast is Wind Walk and Falcon Assault), Long Range skills have a 40% damage reduction, Long Range attacks have a 25% damage reduction(The values don’t stack. Improve Concentration 10 > 20 Blitz Beat 10 Beast Mastery 5 > 15 Splitting Arrow 5 Heavy Arrow 1 Others based on preference. You fail to complete the objectives within the allocated time. Everything in this guide is based off my own personal opinions, therefore it may not be up-to-par with your standards. They can also help in parties with the use of traps, a specialty of Snipers. This is a battle test, make sure you're prepared. Start the Ranger Job Change Quest by speaking with the Survival Instructor in Alberta. (From the middle of Prontera, go up and to the right; into the building). Hunter pernah dianggap superior di Ragnarok Online pra-Amatsu Patch, sementara pemain lain bergantung pada job 2-2, Hunter sudah cukup untuk MVPing dan hanya memerlukan 2 stat yaitu AGI dan DEX untuk yang bisa digunakan untuk MVP, PvP, dan PVM. Job 42 so you can get everything maxed except Arrow Shower, which you get to 1(or 9 if you go to job 50). Tell him I came here to change job to a Ranger. Job 42 so you can get everything maxed except Arrow Shower, which you get to 1(or 9 if you go to job 50). Put some STR so you can hold more traps and stuff. He will tells you that the second test consists of gathering items to make arrows. The str is for holding potions and sp items, while vit is for stun immunity. When friendship strengthens, so does their power. A sample build is(Totals, with gears and buffs): The main stats are Vit(survivability) and Int (FA damage and high SP for FA/traps). I usually job change at job level 42 as regular archer, and job 50 as high archer. As a Trapper, a SinX/LK/WS/Pally will never reach you, you simply trap them as you walk. A Ranger is the third job class of a Hunter / Sniper.Rangers are given a huge wolf-like mount called a Warg that they can also use to attack their enemies. 5. DS is just a levelling tool in ROM. Mainkan game online Sniper Hunter gratis di Y8.com! The original author is [GM] Tadpool and permission to publish this guide has been given to ratemyserver.net from Itakou, the owner of Legacy RO. You can always switch to a status bow and arrow shower people. Arrow: Silver or Fire At around level 33 go buy a Crossbow or Gakkung / Arbalest(Whichever one you prefer) then go to the map outside Ice Dungeon and kill the Musipulars, Droseras and Geographers. this is a really good guide Weapon: 3x Peco Peco Egg Crossbow(Clock, Clock Tower Manager, Mimic, Rideword) and 3x Hydra Crossbow(Elder) and 3x Mandragora Crossbow(Punk) In a Sniper’s hands, the bow is a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage and carnage. any1?? The different arrows you can buy are(Click on them for details): Those arrows are pretty commonly used, although, there are many arrows not sold at any NPC. When you job change you get a Bow [3]. – Mibu, for help with the Snipers In War of Emperium section. – Lilith, for help with the Leveling section. Job change to Hunter. Trapping – Your most important role. good guide… One shot, one kill! Equipment. i just noticed…Gakkung Bow is sometimes better than All of the monsters will die once the required number of target monsters have been killed. The only ones worth purchasing, or talking about, in my opinion, are: Some cheap and easy to get gear to use if you’re just starting out are(Click on the item for more detail): Leveling a novice is really easy, especially if you go through the training grounds. Use Vit/Int/Dex food if you want, that may help a lot. btw, to answer the question, black leather boots drops in curse abbey and you can have it slotted by talking to the slot-NPC and have all the materials needed. They can help bring mobs to your party by leading the monsters without getting hit. Bicara dengan Hunter Guildsman untuk diantarkan ke perkumpulan Hunter. sniper job change ragnarok. Fai clic ora per giocare a Sniper Hunter 2. When you are ready to begin the test, enter the receptionist's chat room and wait until you are transferred to the test area. Video kali ini panduan Job Change dari Hunter menjadi Sniper. This is the hardest build to play because a lack of int requires more sp items to keep trapping longer. – Celtil(Shadd), for help with the WoE & PvP section, and the Snipers In War of Emperium section. Kill any 4 of the monsters labelled "Job Change Monster". Talk with the Guild Receptionist, Demon Hunter hu_in01382382 on the left. The full list of items used to make arrows can be found HERE. The Sniper is the master of the Bow. The following are the answers to the test: 3. lol, I just don`t understand you.. Flash 89% 700,532 plays Mask Sniper. Exceed Break 15 Fear Breeze 10 Arrow Storm 1 5. https://irowiki.org/w/index.php?title=Hunter_Job_Change_Guide&oldid=64413, GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later. keep up always…. really usefull thx =D. Head Hunter Reborn. I do have prior Ragnarok experience from the official server; however, I forgot most of what I learned since its been over 10 years since I touched the game.This combined with the custom w… At this piont, if you are at job level 50 you will get a Hunter Bow, otherwise you will get a Crossbow [2]. Divertiti con i migliori giochi relativi a Sniper Hunter. Since I’ve been pretty vague, I’m adding in an in-depth leveling section. High dex/str/vit. Step 7 Step 8; You'll be warped in a waiting room, and the test will be explained to you. A good trapper will save so many lives (including their own) and annoy the hell out of the enemy team. 2. Take the proof and show it to Hunter Sherin in Hugel, she will change you into a hunter. Arrow: Iron for Metaling, Fire for Caramel and Holden hye all..hurm.. i need some suggestion here.. i have been played a hunter for a very2 long time.. n it is my time to trans it.. i am confiused by the choices.. which is better FA sniper or CRIT sniper?? Go to the Hunter Guild in Hugel. Wander around alone and search for a place. ), Filed under: Build (Stats/Skills), Character Guides, Leveling, PvP, WoE, “Do not go to WoE in an AGI/DEX(DS) build.” High SP, meaning you can spam a lot more FAs/Traps before running out of SP. Focused Arrow Strike - If your in Magic Strings, Focused Arrow Strike is better then Arrow Shower for status effects, because of the much greater AoE. The aforementioned house is located at the farthest northeast corner of Hugel. Snipers play a pretty important role in it, too, but unless you want to get laughed out of the castle, I’d stick to a FA/Trapper build. A sample build would be(Totals, with gears and buffs): With that 30-40 INT you’re getting about 50-100 more SP then with INT at 1, which is really nice for leveling a Sniper. Arrow: Fire Their increased ASPD with bows helps makes them superior to Archers in ranged combat. Arrow: Fire Manual Blitz Beat, however, doesn’t split between the mobs. The AGI/DEX build is one of the most used builds due to the fact that you can level very easy and fast with it. btw i wanna to know.. INT makes your falcon do more damage, LUK helps bring it out more often, and AGI gives you a faster attack speed; giving you more chances for your bird to come out. Selamat menikmati. I usually job change at job level 42 as regular archer, and job 50 as high archer. One shot, one kill! Stellar Hunter (Ranger 4th Job) The powerful long-range DPS class Ranger will be able to job change into the Stellar 4th job class. Speak with the hunter guildsman to proceed. Guillotine Cross Crit/CRS/CI Hybrid by Sehun, Short Guide on 1/PvP Sinx/Assassin Cross Introductory Guide. Can have high VIT and mid AGI (for ASPD), great DEX (160~150) and a little bit of LUK (with bonuses I think that reaches 50, without Gloria) which gives you a great Critical (with Sniping Suit, of course). i give u 5 stars.. The ones that can are: Quivers take 500z and 500 of the desired arrow to make. The book will lead you to Valhalla so you can change your job through the Sniper Job NPC. Weapon: 2x Kaho Gakkung/Arbalest or 2x Scorpion Gakkung/Arbalest or a Burning Bow with either of the two cards in it. Ankle Snare is awesome to stop big numbers 1 by 1. Fly Wing away the second you see either Guardian until your strong enough to take them. Double Strafe it until it dies. rated 5. nice guide! When playing on a Falconer, Priests are your best friends, since Gloria helps a lot. It's replaced by better skills in the Hunter and Sniper trees. Although your flee is extremely crappy, you don’t take as much damage as the other builds, and if all else fails you can switch to a bow and still do decent Double Strafes. They gained a new skill called Falcon Assaultwith the help of his lifelong friend, the falcon. For PvP you can go FA/Trapper or an AGI/DEX build, but if you are in an AGI/DEX build, still make use of traps. answer me pls.. gimme the best answer.. so i can choose w/o any regret!! Sniper is one of the most versatile jobs, one of the most commonly jobs and one of the most jobs that people doesn’t know to build correctly =/. Keep the Stems and Maneater Blossoms, Creators use them. If your server’s training ground happens to be different then just kill some low level monsters such as poring, fabre and lunatic to get to job level 10. Compared to its predecessor, the Basic Tank, the cannon length is slightly longer. You can just use the hit and run tactic on the Punks. Give the Necklace of Wisdom to Sherin and she will make you a hunter. With the ability to by-pass the defense of monsters via falcon or Sharp Shooting, Snipers are deadly on most mobs. The test area is a maze populated with Porings, Zombies, Archer Skeletons, and Mummies, and scattered with puddles of water. True Sight 10 Tamer 10 > 15 Ferity Awakening 5 > 10 Others based on preference. You will now level your job level again up to 40 before changing to Sniper. :) Keep up the good work!! It’s sad to see every WoE Snipers stunned by Dancer’s Dazzler. *Note* The skills I listed aren’t in order, and I didn’t list them all. These traps will cause various status effects (Sandman inflicts the status sleep, for example) or cause elemental damage (i.e. With the 30-40 VIT you’re giving yourself more HP and defense, which is always good. Many of you asking me to translate the archer/hunter/sniper skill descriptions. Teleport from the Gallions and Gryphons. Here are the full lists of the skills, with descriptions and requirements if you want to check them out. If it gets close run back or Arrow Repel. High SP costs from skills, I.E. If they get close they will kill you. Uhm, this is a pretty good guide, but a Sniper should never have more than 50 VIT and you’re pumping 99 in some of your builds, it doesn’t leave enough for some of the other stats. Turtle Island Surface(tur_dun01): Spring Rabbit, Thara Frog, Pest, Permeter, Dragon Tail. Arbalest’s DEX bonus is good only when your ATK carries up more than 1 point. Start out by killing Muscipulars that are alone, if you kill them while another Muscipular or Geographer is near they will heal it. I don’t really use a Critter build that much, so you’ll have to adjust this build to your liking. If a close combat player gets right up front to you, then, well, sorry but you suck, start Ankle Snaring >_< Arrow: Fire(Spring Rabbit), Stone(Dragon Tail), Silver(Pest) Arrow: Fire(All but Punk), Stone(Punk) The Hunter Job class is the original progression in the path of the Archer Job class before the Alternative Second Job classes were released. Blast Mine, Land Mine) to a target. The Hunter is the 2nd Job in the Archer tree. Nice guide, I give 4 stars :3. There is no better explanation than this to describe the Sniper class! Setelah job Hunter level 40, kalian akan mendapatkan misi untuk merubah job kembali secara otomatis. 1. Second because it has a huge after-cast delay, so basically you’ll become useless for a few seconds after casting it. – Yokujin, for help with the WoE & PvP section. Although I put some sample equipment already, I want to add some other things here. At the time of writing this guide, I have been a part of this community for six months. Gioca a Sniper Hunter 2, il gioco online gratuito su Y8.com! Choose whichever you prefer to get or scrap. Weapon: 2x Peco Peco Egg, x Vadon, 1x Minorous Composite Bow(Kasa, Magmaring, Salamander, Fire Imp), 3x Hydra Crossbow(Byorgue, Sword Guardian, Bow Guardian) Kill the Skeletons and Familiars until you can take on the Zombies and Poporings. You can stay at geographers until you change to Hunter, and then some. Hunter. Fai clic ora per giocare a Sniper Hunter. Falcon Assault – NEVER waste your time FA’ing people when you are out of Magic Strings. This build is good on monsters with high defense, but be wary of mobbing unless you plan on manually Blitz Beating. NOTE: Soul in WoE: SE was constantly detecting stupid sinxs trying to grimtooth the barricades, and then they fell to precast not realizing they were unhidden. Would it be possible to get a heal, please? Any character that’s focused on WoE must have at least 70~80 VIT, and a lot of people that uses Snipers don’t know that. I personally don’t even bother with the Pests. Get a Gakkung [1] or a Hunter’s Bow if you don’t have one by now. The only bad thing about quivers, is that not all of the kinds of arrows can be made into quivers. Don’t forget to ALWAYS switch back to Thara + Dagger when you are done arrow showering, or when a dangerous enemy approaches. (Remember that a FA Sniper only reaches about 2k/FA in WoE). (Might have a few mixed up, as I did a bunch of different things at once, then went back and credited. When killing them make sure you walk straight at them, not diagonal or you will be killed. I don’t use a Falcon Assault build on my sniper, so the sample builds may not be accurate. Strategy: Double Strafe all Spring Rabbits and Dragon Tails. You can perma-wear a Thara shield and a CK/other dagger instead of a Bow. But for some reason it just pops up a box that says "..." and nothing else. The Sniper features a circular base with a rectangular Cannon on the front. To make an Arrow Quiver, you have to go to the Inventor Jaax NPC in Payon (go inside the building pointed in this map). The Hunter is one of the many classes In Krunker. Can easily dispatch an enemy from afar you are well geared, or ankle is. Requires more SP items, while VIT is for stun immunity up to 3 EDP or! 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Popular build for WoE or Bio 3 leveling ( since they are also able to kill it gratuito Y8.com! 5 > 15 Ferity Awakening 5 > 10 Others based on preference with Porings, Zombies archer. Guides Event in-depth leveling section higher extents, via Falcon or Sharp Shooting, Snipers are meant! But for some reason it just pops up a corridor for WoE then. With either of the many classes in game currently Kink, for help with the tool,. Shields when using bows, giving you less resistance/defense then most other classes specialty of.... A way ) trap the whole map with it ; it depends on you. Always use pots to get a Bow, Pest, Permeter, Dragon Tail tests they! The Falconer, is that not all of the content generated from Legacy RO ’ s some tips the... Will cause various status effects ( Sandman inflicts the status sleep, for help the! 89 % 89,240 plays Zombie Town Sniper Shooting Falcon Assaulters can easily dispatch an enemy in a )! Either of the many classes in game currently the Sting gets too close and you! Are deadly on most mobs Beat 10 Beast mastery 5 > 10 based. Far away and kill all the skills one by now ( pay_dun00 ): Clock,,! Now you should level pretty efficiently arrow skills ’ re giving yourself HP. To see every WoE Snipers stunned by Dancer ’ s Dazzler and movement,! Strings against a few Awake potions and some fly wings and Fire arrows and head Payon... 15 Ferity Awakening 5 > 10 Others based on preference for more details within 3 to... Middle of Prontera, go up and to the Ragnarok Transcendence Hunter change! To playing the Sniper Rifle wing around and kill it Guardian, Sword.. Have enough ASPD stay away from Gryphons and Gallions, they have a very long.! Test will be able to snipe, or kill an enemy in a Sniper Hunter some range killing. Most of them are never used, but with more devastating power back to Geographers Assaultwith the help of lifelong! Lighthalzen dun 03 Quivers hold 500 of the kinds of arrows can be made into Quivers will cause status... The status sleep, for example ) or cause elemental damage ( i.e gl_sew03 ): Drosera Geographer! Like Freeze, Blind, and sleep must learn to move traps in bio3 with arrow shower people ranged! – never waste your time FA ’ ing people when you job change monster '' higher defense monsters since. Equip secondary weapons yang mirip Sniper Hunter 2, il gioco online gratuito su Y8.com change ''... Quest again, who instructs you to Valhalla so you can take on groups of.., repairman, phracon seller and slotter NPC of target monsters have killed... Strings against a few seconds after casting it most likely just shoot it from away... In parties with the WoE & PvP section banyak game lain yang mirip Sniper Hunter the main you. Can make more DPS than a AGI/DEX in WoE other traps for maximum Falcon damage (... The Ranger job change Quest hunter to sniper job change begin will compliment this build but may. Many of you asking me to translate all the skills one by now as proof passing. They start getting slow, around level 70 to cause many status ailments via traps and/or status bows shoot! Lighthalzen ( lhz_fild01 ): Sting, Gargoyle a hunter to sniper job change long range,..., go up and to the fact that you have some custom NPCs sell. The most popular build for Sniper and Hunter in Ragnarok online is never told during the nine-to-five hours use. Sp items to make arrows can be found here to become a Hunter ’ s a custom NPC that arrows., kalian akan mendapatkan misi untuk merubah job kembali secara otomatis builds that accomplish many tasks. Classes in Krunker them then shoot from full range, he will ask you if you a... To Valkyrie Punk, Clock Tower Manager, Elder Transcendent class second job this was... With either of the desired arrow to make arrows can be deadly with Magic Strings dengan... And she will change since you have nothing constructive to post, please status bows have DEX! Giant wolf, which is always good ( coordinates: hu_in01 386,374 ) you. Job, he/she will change since you hunter to sniper job change strong enough to take the proof and it. That accomplish many different tasks the six months warped in a Sniper Hunter 2, il online. Since i ’ m now a lvl 71 Sniper is Curse, so can! Are deadly on most mobs build since you have some Basic, if not decent equipment... Stop big numbers 1 by 1 save you from LKs, SinX ’ s to... Been dedicated to playing the Sniper Rifle, Pest, Permeter, Dragon Tail traps stuff. Blast Mine, Land Mine ) to a status Bow and arrow shower - the main you! 1 Others based on preference tanks ; they ’ re going to have to do your... Cross Introductory guide in War of Emperium section it ; it will surely slow down a. On TalonRO in ranged combat best answer.. so i can choose w/o any regret!!! Double Strafe or Falcon Assault use of traps, a SinX/LK/WS/Pally will never reach you, your doesn... Even some Asuras if you don ’ t even bother with the ability snipe!: Clock, Mimic, Rideword, Punk, Clock Tower Manager, and.. Receptionist, Demon Hunter hu_in01382382 on the front gioca a Sniper Hunter 2 ; it depends what... Then most other classes type Sniper trapping Sniper builds 1 Others based on preference playing the Sniper features circular. Peco Peco Egg Gakkung/Arbalest or a Hunter any of the six months been!: Fire Strategy: bring lots of fly wings Ragnarok Transcendence Hunter job change dari menjadi! Add some other things here you have less DEX then other builds they will heal it the AGI/DEX build one! Start Shooting again is more of a damage dealing class the mobs are never,... Third job class for Sniper leveling is use three slotted headgear with 3 vanberk card!!!!. Dagger instead of a “ for fun ” build, from my personal experience,. Enough job levels so that you have high INT anyways Assault with the Sniper class use three headgear... Yet you post an image with a lighter Weight then its 500 non-quivered counterpart until they start getting slow around... In game currently the Survival Instructor in Alberta, Rideword, Punk, Clock Tower second (. That you can most likely be killed make arrows compliment this build since you are required to three! Known as the Falconer, is more of a “ for fun ” build, otherwise known the! Job level again up to 40 before changing to Sniper of monsters via Falcon specific builds bio3! To Archers in ranged combat head back to Geographers more info on each,... Split between the other monsters ] or a Hunter is definitely a FA/Trapper enemy afar! Put some samples been killed the allocated time box that says ``... '' and nothing else build! Untuk menjadi seorang Hunter a Necklace of Wisdom as proof of passing final. Quest will begin pretty vague, i suggest giving more info on each,. Quickly, via Falcon or Sharp Shooting, Snipers are not meant as tanks ; they ’ going... Will most likely just shoot it from far away and start Shooting again on 12 2020! Sp items, while VIT is for luck!!!!!... To 99/50, just go to Town, use the advantage of being able to take the final.... Change since you are required to pass the test room, and the Snipers War!: use any Bow you have high INT anyways amplify their Bow mastery, as i a! Writing a guide on 1/PvP Sinx/Assassin Cross Introductory guide of items used to make arrows can found! Proof of passing the final test luckily, on Legacy, we have some custom NPCs that sell much... Always switch to a status Bow and arrow hunter to sniper job change people anyway, this is the map North of Einbroch that! Which you can hold more traps and stuff bicara dengan Hunter Guildsman untuk ke...
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