Monday Night Travel. Featured Playlists search all playlists. Once she can break free of Giancarlo's perhaps over-friendly embrace, my friend Valeria helps translate Oreste's grappa wisdom. Padua is beautiful- I second the suggestion of St. Anthony's, it's amazing. 213 photos. Each celebrates fine ingredients of this region, and Giuliano, along with Franklin and Marina, are helping us appreciate what we're eating…and drinking. And it remains a market to this day. By Rick Steves Special to the Star. When I come here, I like to ramble around Padua's old town center. Friar Anthony of Padua, "Christ's perfect follower and a tireless preacher of the Gospel," is buried here. Friar Anthony of Padua — patron saint of travelers, amputees, donkeys, pregnant women, barren women, flight attendants, and pig farmers — is buried in the basilica. For coronavirus (COVID-19) travel information, American travel authority Rick Steves guides viewers through his favorite European cities. This is the perfect opportunity for a traveler to grab a drink, strike up a conversation, and become part of the scene. Giotto, considered the first modern painter, painted scenes that were more realistic and human than anything that had been done for a thousand years. Improve this listing. (photo: Rick Steves) I'm in Padua (just half an hour from Venice, but a world away), and I really like this town. Still, busloads of tourists gaze at the almost believable balcony, scribble a valentine on the walls, and take part in the tradition of rubbing the breast of Juliet's statue. Nicknamed "the Brain of Veneto," Padua ("Padova" in Italian) is home to a prestigious university (founded in 1222) that hosted Galileo, Copernicus, Dante, and Petrarch. 1/1. Floating above the arch, two angels hold rays of sun. While you'll probably see Venice first, don't overlook the gems of the mainland nearby: its distinctive cuisine, its history and sumptuous art, and its people — embracing today with classic Italian flair. And lovers of early-Renaissance art come here to make a pilgrimage of their own: to gaze at the remarkable 14th-century frescoes by Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel. Ancient Romans considered Verona an ideal last stop before heading north over the Alps. Padua's 60,000 students give a youthful vibe to the Italian city's Renaissance squares. Join our lively community of travelers who exchange advice, tips and experiences. Smaller text Larger text. When Anthony's remains were exhumed 32 years after his death, his body had decayed to dust, but his tongue was found miraculously unspoiled and red in color. This is the time when, traditionally, students gather to enjoy the ritual of the aperitivo, lubricated by a spritz…or three. This video was very helpful for that purpose. Learn about Rick Steves' small-group tours with more than 40 great itineraries for 2021! Fans of Rick's books have been reading Cameron's words (often without knowing it) for years. Rick: Extreme wine. This video was very helpful for that purpose. Rick: A little bit. Rick Steves, America's leading authority on European travel, returns to transport viewers to the continent's bustling cities, quaint villages and picturesque countryside. Season 8 Episode 8. Valeria: Yes. My husband and I want to find some of the lesser known places as well as the well established places to visit on our trip. I told the waiter I wanted a picture with him because I had seen the restaurant on t.v. Rick Steves' Europe. Whatever your favorite drink, everyone — including tourists — is welcome to enjoy this convivial Italian ritual. Planning a European trip I felt this was a must in deciding exactly where I wanted to go and what to see. And what's with this whale's rib? The city of Padua, Italy, is known for its university, Giotto frescoes and basilica; Verona's Roman ruins; Ravenna's mosaics. With Rick Steves, Andreas Clemens, Georg Reichlmayr, Holger Zimmer. After a lifetime of exploring Europe - and inspiring Americans to see Europe as the springboard for world exploration - Rick Steves shares his reasons why. Woman: Mmm, true. Browse and sample and clown around with Oreste. As a mark of his universal appeal and importance in the medieval Church, he was sainted within a year of his death. Rick Steves, Padua: academia, religion, past and present blend. Sign In; Create Account; Clear history; Help; Rick Steves' Europe; Season 8; Rick Steves' Europe. Its interior is decorated with lavish mosaics — countless vibrantly colored chips the size of your fingernail — that served as propaganda for an alliance between the Church and the Emperor. Rick Steves' Europe. Yet the Eastern half of the empire, ruled from dazzling Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), has morphed into Byzantium, and becomes the pinnacle of civilization. Christ oversees the action as the saved, on his right, emerge grateful from their graves…and the damned, on his left, are just kicking off a hellish eternity. Sicily serves up a full-bodied and tasty travel experience. Smaller text Larger text. This is a classic little mom-and-pop restaurant with Giuliano helping diners match fine Italian wines with just the right local dishes, while stylish Corrina is in the tiny kitchen making sure every dish is just right. Padova's old town, even when crowded with today's students, has a colonnaded Old World elegance. Rick Steves' Europe S08 - Ep08 Italy's Verona, Padua, and Ravenna … RELATED: Rick Steves: When to Splurge in Europe. Because it's so fragile, you must make reservations in advance to see the chapel. Rick Steves' Europe 12 New Shows 2015-2016 (DVD) : Rick Steves takes you off-the-beaten-path of some of his favorite European cities. We can remove the first video in the list to add this one. Town squares take on different personalities as the day goes on. Giotto's storytelling style is straightforward, and anyone with a knowledge of the Bible can read the chapel like a picture book. read. Considered too fragile to be seen by huge numbers of people, sights like this are open only to a limited number of visitors who make a reservation in advance. For coronavirus (COVID-19) travel information, Show Prices . Filming in Padova. Giuliano is serving us an array of plates. Renowned in its day, it was a haven for free thinking, and attracted intellectuals from far and wide. Playful Padua By Rick Steves. Save up to 50% storewide on travel bags, accessories, guidebooks, maps and DVDs. Terms of Service | Privacy, Verona, Italy: Ambience and a Grappa Taste Test, Verona, Italy: House of Juliet and Castelvecchio. RICK STEVES ’ EUROPE: Italy’s Veneto: Verona, Padua And Ravenna Airs Saturday, Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 10:30 p.m. on KPBS TV + PBS Video App Thursday, April 23, 2020 Justinian brings together both military and church leaders — all united by the same vision. North Italy is grappa country, and Oreste, who runs this bar, introduces the local firewater with a passion clearly shared by a couple of his regulars. Travel with Rick on this video guide to Italy and find out what to do on your next trip. Padua). Video Travel Bite: Padova, Italy. In italiano? John the Evangelist spreads his arms wide and shrieks, his cries echoed by anguished angels above. Sooner or later, those wandering Verona's streets will be flushed into a very crowded courtyard. So much sightseeing greatness awaits discovery in Europe's second-tier cities. Their star offering is a set menu that's a festival of antipasti treats, an imaginative pasta, your choice of a meat or fish course, and dessert. You see the color is different, OK, so it's basically — this is with Aperol, which is lighter, and that one is with Campari, and then you put a slice of orange, usually ice and white wine, or sparkling wine, and a bit of water also. I told the waiter I wanted a picture with him because I had seen the restaurant on t.v. Verona, at the base of the Alps and nestled in a bend of the Adige River, is another leading city in the Veneto. It's in their DNA. With Rick Steves, Andreas Clemens, Georg Reichlmayr, Holger Zimmer. Via Dei Fabbri 13, 35122, Padua, Italy +39 049 650336. Fans of Romeo and Juliet will be happy to note that Shakespeare's inspiration for the Montagues and Capulets was two real feuding families from here in Verona: the Montecchi and the Capuleti. Franklin: La mamma, OK. A two-hour train ride takes us through the lush Po River Valley, just south of the Veneto, to Ravenna. I would also suggest getting a map from one of the travel information booths and then just walking around, because IMHO, much of the charm of Padua is to be found in the architecture. I hope you've enjoyed our look at three delightful cities in the north of Italy: Ravenna, Padova, and Verona. Valeria: La grappa aiuta faca de amici. A fountain has bubbled here for 2,000 years. Calmly isolated from the action is Enrico Scrovegni, who paid for all this art in an attempt to gain forgiveness for the sins of his wealthy and greedy father. GBH 44. Shop Our Holiday Sale. Learn about Rick Steves' small-group tours with more than 40 great itineraries for 2021! People have gathered here since Roman times, when this was a forum, or market. See the Travel Details above for recommendations highlighted in bold, excerpted from Rick's guidebooks. And that spirit survives at its prestigious university. He smiled for the picture and said … In the shadow of Venice, we visit three great cities. 1/1. Which two people did Martin Luther’s controversial teaching and preaching bring him into conflict with? RS. Ravenna is on the tourist map for one reason: its 1,500-year-old churches, decorated with best-in-the-West Byzantine mosaics. All: Exactly, of course, of course. These relics befit the saint who couldn't stop teaching, preaching, and praying. Kitaplık. Terms of Service | Privacy. Create custom playlists with more than 400 educational clips featuring the best of European history, art, culture, and experiences (plus topics beyond Europe). The church feels alive with pilgrims from all corners. Behind the high altar, pilgrims visit the relics of the saint — considered miraculously preserved: his vocal chords, tongue, and jawbone. ... Rick Steves' Europe. ... Rick Steves' Europe. New to the forum? Gracing the high altar are a group of bronze statues by the Renaissance master Donatello — the Crucifixion and Mary, with Padova's favorite saints. It would be like being at La Fenice, the opera, first row, and being in bad company, someone who doesn't appreciate opera music and would prefer rock music, let's say. Age . Giancarlo: [sings]. The wall of padlocks is a popular fad, enabling lovers to prove that their hearts are eternally locked up. This statue, originally Roman, lost its head and arms. The city of Padua, Italy, is known for its university, Giotto frescoes and basilica; Verona's … As you wander, appreciate the Italian passion for good food: Merchants share recipe tips with shoppers. Padova and Verona are just minutes apart on the main Venice-to-Milan train line. You'll be rubbing elbows with Italian culture, learning about crafting pottery, cutting marble, cooking pasta, making wine — even hunting truffles. His church of San Vitale stands as a sanctuary of order in the midst of all that chaos. The Scaligeri castle evokes Verona's Golden Age, when the city was one of Europe's great economic powers. Planning a one- to two-week trip? And running things here on earth is Emperor Justinian — sporting both a halo and a crown to show he's leader of both the Church and the state. Rick Steves Classroom Europe® is a free online video library for teachers, students, and parents. ", The Venetian lion has hovered over this square since 1405, when it reminded locals they were ruled by Venice. For instance, this image of Christ is beardless — the style of the ancient Romans, and nearby is the standard medieval portrayal of a bearded Jesus. Just as the Medici family ruled Florence, this castle is a reminder that the Scaligeri family ran the city of Verona back in the 14th century. It's April. Back then, medical students would pack these steep balconies to watch professors dissect human cadavers. At the top of the arch, the circle with the monogram of Christ (I for Jesus and X for Christ) symbolizes perfection and eternity. in a Rick Steves video and he laughed and wouldn’t believe me. And you stop and say, "Oh, let's have a drink together," and that's just normal. When we were in Rome, we went to the Filetti di Baccala for dinner. Medieval Italian cities were often dominated by a single powerful family. Since the students can graduate whenever they defend their thesis, I've never been here without little graduation parties erupting on the street all day long. Padova's Scrovegni Chapel, with its precious 14th-century Giotto frescoes, is one of Italy's most beloved art treasures. S8:E 8 Italy's Veneto: Verona, Padua, and Ravenna. The scene has changed little over the centuries, as merchants artfully display their goods. ], ©2020 Rick Steves' Europe, Inc. | We were in Padua in September and saw the same graduation antics and the song was so catchy, I sang it all day. Yet each were created by artists of the same generation. The poster is then taped to the university wall for all to see (and allowed to stay there for 24 hours). Franklin: Rick, salute. This was allowed by the government and Church as long as the cadavers were convicted foreign criminals. Next stop: Verona. Despite the Church's strict ban on autopsies, more than 300 students would pack this theater to watch professors dissect human cadavers (the bodies of criminals from another town). Coverage of Venice, Padua, the Dolomites, Lake Country, Milan, the Italian Riviera, Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Hill Towns of Central Italy, Siena, Tuscany, Rome, Naples, Pompeii, Capri, the Amalfi Coast, and much more; Make the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Italy. Gaze past the crowds and through the incense haze to Donatello's glorious crucifix rising from the altar, and realize that this is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Christendom. She led us into the Church of the Eremitani, which is next door to the Scrovegni Chapel. Rick: So, now, spritz. We'll see an ancient Roman arena in a modern urban setting, admire exquisite Byzantine mosaics, and make friends over a little grappa. Posted on May 17, 2020 by Rick Steves Daily Dose of Europe: Padua — Students, Saints, and Scarpette The Italian university town of Padua has a special place in my heart, because I happened to be there just a few days after 9/11. … Rick's book has excellent information about what to see and do there, much more than Vicenza, which is an easy day trip, 15 minutes by train. Padua's museums and churches hold their own in Italy's artistic big league, its hotels are reasonably priced, and the city doesn't feel touristy. Rick Steves' Europe. We … Friends gather around the new grad and the pranks begin. If these ornate family tombs are any indication, the Scaligeri had no problem with self-esteem. see our FAQ. A giant butcher-paper poster with a generally obscene caricature of the student — and a litany of "This Is Your Life" photos and stories — is presented to the new grad, who, while various embarrassing pranks being pulled, reads the funny statement out loud. I enjoyed revisiting the chapel by watching the video clip on the Rick Steves' Europe YouTube channel when we returned home. As the cannelloni with fontina and duck ravioli with Amarone arrive, we learn that even in a fine restaurant like this, diners have a higher standard than you'd expect: la mamma. We’re spending six days filming in Verona, Ravenna, and Padova (a.k.a. It's impressive enough to see a 1,400-year-old church, but it's rare to see one decorated in such brilliant mosaics, which still manage to convey their intended message: "This sense of peace and stability was brought to you by your emperor and God." Franklin: Not really. Do you like it? Until next time, keep on travelin'. The translation just cracked me up! Join Rick on an unforgettable journey while he learns lessons, makes new discoveries, and shares his experiences working and traveling around the world… Read Rick's Blog . Ranked #237 of 1,014 … Join Rick and his team of travel-savvy teachers every Monday night on Zoom as we explore Europe (and beyond) together. Monday Night Travel . Satan is a grotesque ogre munching on sinners. The translation just cracked me up! Early in the evening the stalls are gone and the piazzas become community gathering places. And the side chapel containing St. Anthony's tomb is a Renaissance masterpiece from 1500. I'm popping into a wine bar to learn about grappa. This is the type of thing Mr. Steves' is best at. Posted on April 22, 2010 January 4, 2018 by Rick Steves You Say Padua, They Say Padova Each day as I research my guidebook, I check each fact in the chapter and fill the pages with my pencil scratchings. Join us today as we visit the vast Palazzo della Ragione in Padova, Italy. Modern tram system makes it very easy to get around. TV-G | Nov 22, 2014 | 25m . It's just to relax after, you know, your long day at work or at university. Venice sits near the top of the Adriatic Sea. Getting around this part of Italy is easy. And Ravenna, with its shimmering mosaics, was once the … Valeria: Brrrrravo! This is the type of thing Mr. Steves' is best at. Moving beyond medieval 2-D with gold leaf backgrounds, with these realistic ground-breaking frescoes, Giotto introduces nature — rocks, trees, animals — as a backdrop for religious scenes. By placing their hand on his tomb while saying a silent prayer, pilgrims show devotion to Anthony and feel the saint's presence. The former dancer who became his mistress, then empress, is decked out in jewels and pearls and carries a chalice to consecrate the new church. ©2020 Rick Steves' Europe, Inc. | in a Rick Steves video and he laughed and wouldn’t believe me. Click first photo in each group to enlarge entire gallery. Woman: Well, there's two different kinds of spritz. When I come here, I like to ramble around Padua's old town center. Italy's Verona, Padova, and Ravenna. Appreciate the symmetry. And, if Romeo and Juliet had existed and were still alive, they'd recognize much of their "hometown.". Franklin: Yes, absolutely, constantly. Nicknamed "the brain of the Veneto," it was founded in 1222, one of the first in Europe. Posted on April 22, 2010 January 4, 2018 by Rick Steves You Say Padua, They Say Padova Each day as I research my guidebook, I check each fact in the chapter and fill the pages with my pencil scratchings. It’s great to be joined by my film crew as we begin shooting the last episodes of our new television season (which airs this fall). A Message from Rick | Frequently Asked Questions. Verona's market square is Piazza Erbe. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian then brings order and stability to this part of Europe, making Ravenna the westernmost pillar of his realm. Its main attractions are its wealth of Roman ruins — like this bridge, dating from the first century B.C. Sober clothing is replaced by raunchy wear as gangs of friends gather around the new grad in the street in front of the university, and the roast begins. Create custom playlists with more than 400 educational clips featuring the best of European history, art, culture, and experiences (plus topics beyond Europe). These students seem very comfortable literally under the medieval tomb of one of their city's historic fathers. One of Christianity's the most popular shrines to one of the most popular saints, the basilica was begun a year after Anthony died, in 1232, and is filled with magnificent art. Cameron is well-traveled, smart, insightful, and he gives voice to the next generation of Rick … Rick: Giancarlo! This had to be done in a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of way, because the Roman Catholic Church only started allowing the teaching of anatomy through dissection in the late 1800s. A great Rick Steves pick - Majestic Hotel Toscanelli. Padova’s Scrovegni Chapel, with its precious 14th-century Giotto frescoes, is one of Italy’s most beloved art treasures. Caring love. Their gestures are simple but expressive: Arm raised shows anger, head tilted down says dejection, arms flung out indicate anguish, and a tender kiss? Save up to 50% storewide on travel bags, accessories, guidebooks, maps and DVDs. Lovely historic areas to walk around. We might get drunk, but...not bored. Rick Steves' Europe | Clip | Padova, Italy: The Scrovegni Chapel. And finally, beef cheeks stewed in Amarone with polenta, just as la mamma made it. As a mark of his universal appeal and importance in the medieval Church, he was sainted within a year of his death. In each episode, he travels to the continent of Europe, documenting his experiences along the way. When we were in Rome, we went to the Filetti di Baccala for dinner. Plus, get free shipping with $50 order. That's — that's the answer to everything. After a sculptor replaced them, locals dubbed her "Verona's Madonna.". Create custom playlists with more than 400 educational clips featuring the best of European history, art, culture, and experiences (plus topics beyond Europe). Feel free to browse to post questions and answers. Video Questions for Rick Steves’ Luther and the Reformation Name: _____ Date: _____ Per:_____ Directions: Watch the following video link below and answer the questions that follow. It's probably a good idea to stop humming this profane ditty before seeking out Padua's two main sights — the Basilica of St. Anthony and the Scrovegni Chapel. And for nearly 800 years, his remains and this glorious church have attracted pilgrims to Padua. In its heyday the island of Venice ruled a huge empire, and that included a good part of the Italian mainland — a region called the "Veneto." ; remnants of its 14th-century boom time; and its 21st-century quiet, pedestrian-only ambience. Then, grandma goes home and the craziness takes over. Italy stretches, like Europe's boot, into the Mediterranean Sea. All over town, young people — apparently without a lot of private space in their apartments — hang out and kiss and cuddle in public spaces. RICK STEVES ’ EUROPE: Italy’s Veneto: Verona, Padua And Ravenna Airs Saturday, Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 10:30 p.m. on KPBS TV + PBS Video App Thursday, April 23, 2020 We'll dine on fresh seafood at the fisherman's harbor in Cefalù, ponder ancient Greek greatness in Siracusa, commune with monks alive and departed in a Capuchin crypt, sleep in an olive orchard at an agriturismo, and eat our way through a classic Sicilian banquet with a famous chef. Starting in elegant Padua, your Rick Steves' guide will take you through Italy's seductive countryside: artistic Ravenna, St. Francis' Assisi, medieval Siena, Puccini's Lucca, cliff-hugging Cinque Terre harbors, and off-the-beaten-path hill towns and vistas. During the roast, the friends sing a catchy but crude local university anthem, reminding their newly esteemed friend to keep his or her feet on the ground. 2 yıl önce | 56 görüntülenme. Four hundred years ago, the great scientist Galileo — notorious for disagreeing with the Church's views on science — enjoyed that academic freedom. Starting in elegant Padua, your Rick Steves' guide will take you through Italy's seductive countryside: artistic Ravenna, St. Francis' Assisi, medieval Siena, Puccini's Lucca, cliff-hugging Cinque Terre harbors, and off-the-beaten-path hill towns and vistas. Construction of this impressive Romanesque/Gothic church (with its Byzantine-style domes) started immediately after St. Anthony's death in 1231. Victoria: Cosa dici Giancarlo la grappa? The basilica — standing as a sanctuary of order in the midst of the madness after the fall of Rome — is covered with lavish mosaics. A Message from Rick | Frequently Asked Questions ... Rick Steves' Europe. Just spent 5 nights in Verona and now are in the historical center of Padua for 9 nights --- Verona is fine with many good qualities but we were instantly in love with Padua. The artichokes are in season, and I'm working up an appetite in the north of Italy: It's Verona, Padova, and Ravenna. Chafing under Venetian rule for four centuries seemed only to sharpen Padova's independent spirit. Rick: Do you talk about the food as you eat it? Ask a question or share advice. Get started! You can sit on a quiet street or in a plush little dining area inside. Padova is a marvelous place with Scrovegni Chapel and St. Anthony Basilica, 2 world famous sights. How appropriate for the great preacher who, full of the Spirit, couldn't stop talking about God. You've just tried to select this program as one of your favorites. From its student vibe to its early-Renaissance masterpieces, Padua is a great place to get chummy with the winds of the past — and connect with the pleasures of the moment. RICK STEVES: Buoyant, booming Belfast Published Feb 04, 2020 at 8:13 a.m. Bryson Guptill and friends spend a month creating a new trail map for P.E.I. For nearly 800 years pilgrims have flocked here to venerate the tomb of St. Anthony of Padova. Rick: Valeria, scusi — in Italian, how do you say, "Grappa helps you make friends?" Like the rest of the Veneto, Padova was ruled by Venice from the 15th century until Napoleon came — at about 1800. The interesting parts are all fairly close. Verona is a hit with aficionados of Roman ruins and Romeo and Juliet fans. Fri., Nov. 7, 2014 timer 4 min. We're starting here in Padova. Get help planning your trip. Rick Steves' Europe is an American travel documentary television series created and hosted by Rick Steves. Website. This special episode is a sonnet to travel - an introspective love story, set in Europe, that vividly celebrates the rewards of exploring our world and the joy that awaits those who travel. Once our tour of the chapel was done, we were joined by our local guide Carla. A modest dress code is enforced. And, like a centerpiece on the far wall, is The Last Judgment. Add to favorites: Description In the shadow of Venice, we visit three great cities. You’ll be able to manage videos in your Watchlist, keep track of your favorite shows, watch PBS in high definition, and much more! Eggplant parmigiana and burrata from Puglia. It's wallpapered with Giotto's beautifully preserved cycle of nearly 40 frescoes depicting the lives of Jesus and Mary. American travel authority Rick Steves guides viewers through his favorite European cities. Climb to the top and imagine the spectacles this arena has hosted for over 2,000 years. To go to a restaurant is wonderful, but how la mamma cooked, no one, nobody can equal that. [It's good! Rick: Not too much. Once the town’s medieval law court, it now hosts a sprawling market. Inside Rick Steves Italy 2020 you'll find:Comprehensive coverage for planning a multi-week trip to ItalyRick's strategic advice on how to get the most out of your time and money, with rankings of his must-see favoritesTop sights and hidden gems, from the Colosseum and Michelangelo's David to corner … Everywhere you look there are memories of illustrious alumni and professors. We don't say, "Oh, my god, we're going to go have an aperitivo, it's going to be a fun night," we're just like, "Hey, I'm in Piazza dei Signori. Below is a video on how to purchase train tickets at the automatic kiosks (which usually have no lines, unlike the ticket office) and how to validate the ticket before boarding. 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